Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three - Let Me Save You

(*Excuse any errors)


"I feel like I'm way overdressed," I say looking at myself in the mirror for the billionth time since getting ready. Charlotte rolls her eyes, "Blaine, you look amazing, plus, knowing Jordan, you're definitely not overdressed."

I nod and turn back to the mirror. Charlotte did a good job with my hair, it was a pain to sit and have it blow-dried but the final results are better than letting it air dry. It's soft and put together.

This morning when I woke up, there were two boxes set up on my window nook with a note. It read, "For tonight." Nothing else, just that. I could tell it was Jordan's handwriting because I've looked around his desk before. He writes perfect cursive.

In the bigger box was this suit, it's beautiful beyond anything that I've ever worn. Expensive too. It's all black with gold trim around the front pocket of the jacket. Putting it on felt like sliding into a cloud.

The second box was a pair of Swede loafers with gold tassels resting on top. Jordan got my perfect size which is weird because I don't think we've ever discussed that. I figured since he's let himself into my room on countless occasions, it couldn't have been hard to get my size.

I look expensive. "Oh, here let me fix that." Charlotte gets up and walks towards me. She fixes the collar on the shirt and smiles warmly. "You look great."

"Thank you. I'm nervous." I admit as I wipe clammy hands on one of my shirts. "Don't be. Look, for a long time now, you've been in a bad place and so has Jordan. Let tonight be the night that you guys leave all of that behind to enjoy each other's company." She says softly as she fixes a strand of my hair.

She's right, I can't ruin tonight with overthinking. I need to relax and have fun. "Thank you, Char, for everything," I say hugging her. She hugs me back, "Alright, Jordan said to have you downstairs by 7:30, it's 7:38 so let's get moving." She grabs my hand and we rush out of the room.

I get a few curious looks from the pack members standing around. They're probably wondering why I'm so dressed up since my usual uniform is nothing like this.

Charlotte walks me out of the front door and my eyes fall on an expensive-looking black car. The body of the car is blindingly shiny and on the hood is an RR emblem below an ornament shaped like some sort of angel woman.

The driver's door opens and an all-black loafer hits the ground. It is soon followed by its twin and my eyes trail up some black slim-fitting dress pants, to black a black jacket, diamond cufflinks sparkle brightly as he closes the door. A silver chain is resting on a black dress shirt with short a collar.

He got a hair cut. From here, I can smell him and fuck is his scent intoxicating! His eyes are intense as they stare into mine with desire and lust. We haven't even made it to the date, will there even be a date if this is how he looks right now?

Jordan is beautiful beyond compare, he's perfectly proportional and everything on him goes together effortlessly. From his intimidating sparkling grey pools to his soft plump lips, to the rest of him, he's a piece of art that someone took their time to carve out flawlessly.

I wouldn't mind taking a rain check if it means that I can explore what's underneath-
"Blaine. Go." Charlotte nudges me forward. I hadn't realized that I froze. I clear my throat and walk towards him, his eyes roam my body from head to toe and they darken slightly when they land on mine.  Don't do that! I'm already struggling to keep my composure.

My face becomes warm with embarrassment as I feel a strange fluttering feeling in my stomach. He smirks charmingly which doesn't help with the butterflies that are fluttering mercilessly inside of me. "Ready?" He asks, his voice like music to my ears.

Let me save you (Completed/Editing) Where stories live. Discover now