Girls Talk!

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The coffee ended, but Maryse and Becky continued their night.. They gone for lunch after that for a long walk through the town and late at night they returned to Becky's house..Maryse and Becky were friends for many wears..Their first met were on WWE's backstage..The both were new entries on the company.. they became friends really quick..Back then Maryse used to wrestle but the last two years was inactive because of her serious injury..She was thought in the company in another spot. She is a fashion designer so she is the one who designs their gears, she is in charge for their ring outfits, make up and sometimes she is the one who dresses them up on special occasions like red carpet or movies premieres..

Before Becky's injury they use to live in the same house and they had fun, but after she left, Maryse found an apartment to live by herself and now most of days she lives with Mike in his home..They are couple.. Nothing official yet, but their relationship seemed pretty serious..

Becky unlocked the door and they got in to the house.Maryse took a look but nothing were changed.. Everything was the same as 4 years ago.. She smiled..

"I've missed this place" she said and she sat down on her favourite armchair

"I've missed this place too" Becky agreed.. she took of her shoes and she sat down on the sofa..

"Well.. i wanna know everything.. I haven't see you for 4 years and I'm sure that a lot have change.. and you know that I know that you didn't actually said it all earlier.." Maryse said and she was right Becky actually didn't talk for all her life changes..

"Well yeah you are right.. I mean.. there are things that i didn't wanna share with everyone but only with you, you are my best friend" Becky smiled at her and Maryse smiled more than before..

"Oh.. this means.. wine and night long talk" Maryse said

"This means wine pjs and.. girl talking..and tomorrow you will go home pack your things and.. move in" Becky smiled..

"This means that we will be roomates again?" Maryse screams over joy..

"Yeah i thought that i told you exactly that few minutes ago" Becky laughed

"Oh well lets get some pjs on and start talking" Maryse said

They put on their pjs, they put wine in the glasses they sat down on their favorites spots and they stated talking.. one of their favourite habit. the other one was shopping..

"Well here we are.. we have wine and all the night start talking" Maryse said

"Well most of the things i said earlier are true..i got my acting degree, i was doing swimming as an exercise and yeah i was travelling a lot.. but.. there are things that i dint tell..One of those things is that for a very long time i was taking pills for my depression.." she admitted and she drank a sip wine..

"you had depression and you need pills for that?" Maryse was shocked.. Maryse had the impression that Becky was the strongest woman she had ever seen.. and to learn something like that was hard to believe..

"Yeah.. for like.. 2,5 medical exams after the sergury ware really bad.. Doctors have said that i would never like never be able to wrestle again.. it was 99%sure..that was a hard to hear.. i mean i love this more than anything and to hear something like that.. was.. awful.. I love acting like a lot..i love playing roles that isn't me..i love movies and theater plays, i love the opportunity of travelling with this job but nothing can compare with the love i have for wrestling.. Wrestling is my whole life and when i heard that.. it was breathtaking.. but not in a good way.. and when i was thinking about it.. was getting worse and worse.. I couldn't thought positive.. that i will be better and i will be back, i was thinking that my career was over and i wasn't even able to give all the the things i had. I wast ready for retiring.. not without left my mark on this company, not without a last fight, i didn't want to be forgotten.. Be able to fight on every match or ppv was everything, my rock.. every time that i am in the ring i put my soul there.. And remember that i had just broke up trough this terrible engagement, i was alone and all these as a combination really dint helped me very match.. I was crying, i was all alone and my mom insisted to visit a therapist.. and i did and he gave me Antidepressants pills and.. yeah" she drank another ship of her wine. Maryse looked at her.. she was confused and sad..

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