Back together

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Seth and Becky asked to leave earlier than the others.they had a lot to talk about and they this had to be done in privacy. She would not be able to wrestle for a long time, the fight for her belt had been arranged for the next week, and so was his fight. They packed up their things and took Seth's rented car back to the hotel. He unlocked the car and began arranging their bags in the trunk. she sat in the passenger seat.. She leaned her head on the seat and closed her eyes for a moment.

By the time Seth got into the car she had fallen already asleep peacefully. He threw his jacket over her to keep her warm and let her sleep. He didn't put on some music, he didn't smoke, he drove at low speed. They were soon at the hotel..He turned and looked at her who was still asleep. He asked the Porter to get someone to help him with the bags. Soon a young boy was there, Seth asked him to take the bags and carry them to Room 112 on the 3rd floor where his room was.. He carefully pulled the sleeping Becky out of the car, holding her in his arms bridal style. She rested her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his neck. She seemed not to have been disturbed at all by it since she resumed her sleep..

He entered the lobby of the hotel and asked for his key with Rebecca in his arms. The bellman took the key and they went up to his room.. The bellman unlocked the door and let Colby in first. He advanced toward the bed and laid Rebecca softly on the soft mattress. She curled herself up in bed unperturbed, and he gave The Bellboy a tip and thanked him for his help while he closed and locked the door of his room. He looked at the clock on the wall. It was still very early, and yet Rebecca felt exhausted. She hasn't had a good night's sleep in days.. He approached and looked at her.. He sat down on the bed and carefully took off her shoes and then her leggings.. Her skin shuddered at the sudden exposure to the cool air.. She moved but was still asleep..

Then he took off her top and bra. He took a shirt out of his suitcase and held it so he could put it on. He approached and put on his t shirt with soft, careful movements. He lowered it down to her feet. He took off his sneakers, jeans and T-shirt and headed for the bathroom.. He took a quick shower and then went out.. He dressed and sat down beside her. There was only one blazing light in the little living room. He sat propped up on his elbow and stare at her sleeping. She was turned toward him. He was thinking.. when he changed her to be comfortable in sleep he noticed that her breast was a little bigger and that she had taken a few pounds. He gently laid his hand on her abdomen and caressed her. He could already feel that it was a little stiffer and perhaps slightly inflated.

It must have been several hours, or perhaps only a few minutes, when she opened and rubbed her eyes. She looked round her when she saw him smiling at her.

"Where are we?"she asked as she looked at him.

"In my hotel room," he answered her calmly.

"What happend? " asked she, with her head still resting on the pillow.

"You left your bags fro me to put them in the car, you sat in the passenger seat and you fell asleep," he said, laughing.

"And How did I find myself in your hotel room?" she asked him

"I took you in my arms and brought you all the way here, my waist is killing me now," he said mockingly, and she patted him gently on the sternum.

"Nonsense," she said, laughing.

"You are so damn beautiful"his voice tone changed, it was calmer, sweeter.. her cheeks reddened.

"I am not," she said to him, and hid her face in the pillow.. he caught her by the chin and looked at her.

"You are, you are the most beautiful woman in the world and I am the dumbest man alive," he told her, and she wrapped one hand around the back of his neck.

"Don't say that," she scolded him, softly.,

"I should have tried harder to explain to you," he said softly.

"And I ought to have trusted you more," she said to him, and she let a peck kiss on his lips stop him.

"We both made mistakes, it's not just one's fault, it's about what we do from now on," she told him. he looked at her.

"First we will order something to eat, you will rest because you look very tired and from tomorrow we will start thinking about what we will do with our wedding" he smiled kissing her nose making her laugh

"Yes, you are right," she smiled, and looked at the ring on her hand.

"Do you like it?"he asked her, and she looked at him .

"It's beautiful. "she smiled and rested her head on the pillow .

"Well, Mrs. Quin, it's time to eat something. what do you want to eat?"he asked, smiling.

"Pizza, beer and film," she answered, laughing; he looked at her gravely.

"Pizza yes, movie yes beer no" he told her.

"Why?"she ask him and sit on the bed

"Because you're pregnant, alcohol is forbidden during pregnancy, beer has alcohol so you beer is not. it's juice for you, " he told her, and she puffed.

"Good" retreated at the end and earned a peck kiss

"Good girl," he said, laughing.

He ordered them to eat.. she chose the movie they were going to see. Comedy. They were eating, teasing each other, watching the movie.. When the meal was over she leaned her head against his chest and watched the movie her eyes slowly began to close.

"Becky baby, what time are we leaving tomorrow?"he asked her.. she did not answer. He looked down at his chest and saw her asleep. He shook his head smiling.. He closed the movie and laid his back carefully on the sheets. He covered them, embraced her and closed his eyes.

Yes i know its a small one but This is what i hap for today.. Hope you like it. Vote and comment. Until next chapter. Kisses. XOXO!

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