Wedding Meeting

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And while there was chaos Becky approached the boys who were all sitting together talking.. She approached and stood infront of them.. Seth's gaze made a slow journey over her.. From her black heels to the T-shirt she wore that showed off her bust as much as needed.. Mike looked at her.

"What's the matter?"he asked her, and she looked at all 4 of them.

"Get your cars and let's go," she said to them in a peremptory tone.

"Where we  going? I'm not going anywhere with you," Seth answered nervously.

"Hey you don't come,  you Mike, Dean and you Roman get the cars we have emergency alert" she said laughing

"Oh, what's the matter?"Mike asked.

" Nikki and John, they waiting us, probably they will have some rules for their wedding" she answered, resting her knee on an empty chair.

"And why should I come? " asked Dean grimly.

"Because we've already done it and we know how it's done, baby," answered Paige, sitting at his lap..

"General muster to help with the preparations," answered Roman.

"There's that, too.. so what are we gonna do, we go or we talk about this?"she looked at them .

"Whew, as if we had a choice," muttered Seth.

"Come on, it'll be fun.. they are our friends are after all " Roman pointed

"Mike, Maryse is already there waiting for us I'll come in my car , Paige and Dean they drive together, and see you at their 'house" she told them and stood up again.. she turned and picked up her bag and started for Jonh and Nikki's House

A little while after they all arrived outside the house they rang the bell and Nikki opened them smiling.. she was make up free, but she looked very bright.. she was living the happiest moments of her life..

"Come into the living room; we are sitting with Maryse and talking," she smiled, and showed them the way to the  living room.

"You've changed it since the last time I saw it," smiled Becky.

"Mmmm, we've made it more practical, sit down, what can I get you?"she asked kindly like a good hostess .

"Mmmm juice," Mike said, and the others agreed with him.

Nikki brought cups of ice cubes and juices and served them, then sat down with them..

"So why did you call us to come here?"Seth asked as he took a sip of his juice

"Well, as you know, after six years of a long relationship, I'm finally marrying John.. "she smiled and looked at The Shining ring on her hand .

"Yes, we know it," laughed Maryse.

"We have already started to organize much of the wedding, we have sent invitations but there are some things left, such as wedding favors,  wedding wreaths. John took  our wedding rings and some basics.. like his suit my wedding dress the decoration of the banquet and the menu and our best men " she smiled at them jovially.. she knew what was coming next.

"I am!your maid of honor" exclaimed Maryse.

"Why you? and not me? " asked Becky in a low voice.

"Girls, don't put up a fight.. the best man thing is almost solved.. I think Brie and Daniel will take over but all 3 of you here today will be my bridesmaids which means we'll have to find your dresses too"

"Oh," murmured Becky, and Nikki looked at her.

"Rebecca Quin what was that sound?"she asked her

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