Meeting with the past

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She raised her eyes to apologize, since she was careless, for her mind was running on another things .. But when she saw who she fell to she froze in her feet and even her breath was hard to get.. She looked at him without being able to speak a word.. he looked at her and smiled grimly.. Her eyes narrowed again, and she managed with difficulty to take a step back and look at him.

"What surprise is it to meet you after how many years?" he asked, and she looked at him, boild from anger.

"You are very insolent, Baron, to ask me how many years like you do not know," said she, furious.

"Oh, My Little Becky has her nerves!" he tried to stroke her cheek, but she thrust his hand away.

"Don't touch me, Corbin, you disgust me," she said, and tried to keep away from him.

"I remember once I didn't disgusted you," he told her.

"Yeah it was the same time i  thought you were a man that honored your pants, that you had a decent  and you were a gentleman," she told him angrily.

"Still you have not forgiven me a little misstep after all these years, Rebecca?" he, with audacity and a smile.

"First of all  for you I'm not Rebecca nor Becky I'm Mrs. Lynch don't tell you that you are forbidden to say my name and second do you hear what you say?" she asked as she raised the volume of her voice.

"Don't shout; we shall be disgraced.. "he told her more nervously.

"Yes, now we'll be disgraced .. do you have any idea what you asked me, Baron?"ask ready to explode

"Yeah If you have you forgiven me a little mistake I made?" he asked again with the same impudence, and made her more angry.

"A little mistake? you cheated on me a week before our wedding, you call that a little mistake?  A small mistake?"she looked at him furiously.

"Still the same reactions you have back then" he pinched her cheek, and she drew his hand and clasped it.

"If you dare touch me again I will kill you, Baron.. "she said to him with eyes that kindled fire.

"All right, Becky, I didn't say anything bad to you back then.. "he said to her cool,

"Do you remember what you told me? that it would be nice in this relationship to be 3 and see me make out with her.. you've always been so stupid, but you see I'm even more stupid.. I don't even want to see you again.. I have forgotten your existence yet," she said, and tried to regain her composure.

"Extravagant as ever.. you look beautiful, " he said, smiling.

"Because I did something right and broke up with you.. mm, and you cut that lousy hair.. your bitch didn't like them, huh? it's okay. you look like crap ,bald as you are with hair. and now if you'll excuse me, I must go.. I was not happy to see you, I hope never to see you again in front of me, don't tell you I wish you to die, I wish you to be  run over by a bicycle, by a transporter,  concrete mixer not to see you again not to hear about you again " she told him before she walked away..

He stood watching her go.. She went back to the hotel, asked for the key from the receptionist and went up to her room.. She put down her sports bag and fell on the bed.. without realizing why she burst into tears. This time it wasn't in silent.. she was sobbing..her met with Corbin had quite upset her.. Only that she had seen him, and had remembered that because of him she had put her through she could tear her to pieces; she could not believe that he would enter her life to make her upside down again.. she must have been crying for quite a while.. regularly she felt her breath go away and find it with difficulty.. She heard the door to her room slam..

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