First? kiss

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He had her stuck up against the car and was kissing her..He has his one hand resting on the car and the other was on the back of her neck.. for a few seconds she continued the kiss, carried away by the moment.. But she found her self control, and pushed him sharply away from her..He took two steps back.. She looked at him angrily, she raised her hand and gave him a slap in the face.. The slap echoed through almost the entire garage that was empty of people.. She looked at him furious.

"Don't you dare do that again Rollins you understand that?" she asked while her eyes blazed.

"Do you mean you didn't like it? " he asked, with his raised eye brow, smiling mischievously, making her angrier.

"I am disgusted that you dared it," she answered.

"Ah yes? then why did you continue it?"he asked without changing his tone .

"I didn't" she answered briskly.

"I remember different.. I can tell you enjoyed it too," he answered, and approached her again.

"If you dare attempt such a thing again then next time it won't be a slap it will be a kick on your balls.." she answered, and looked down into his crotch, smiling ironically.

"You wouldn't dare," he answered more gravely.

"Don't try me because I dare," she answered with insolence.

"I don't want to hit a woman, but you make me furious and I may do it,"he replied.

"May I remind you that we're doing the same job Seth I'm not afraid I'll face you in the ring in the fight that's coming and then I'll beat you," Becky answered and untied her hair she made a turn and got into her car..

She had the last word, she always wanted to have the last word.. he smiled.. she was cheeky, she was temperamental but she was also incredibly charming and he found her quite cute.. she showed dynamism and would not falling so easily to his charm..Because he was a charming man, and the evil thing was that he knew it well.. She was probably one of the few women that wouldn't go through that.. He shook his head, he got into his car and started driving for home..

Shee opened with the keys and went in.. on the coffee table she found a note from Maryse "I'll sleep at Mike's tonight I'll see you tomorrow" she threw it in the trash can while she was smiling.. She was glad that her friend had finally decided to make her life.. Mike might was heel in the ring but in his life he was the sweetest man in the world, and she knew he could make Maryse happy..

She took off her sneakers and headed to the bathroom..She opened the water and came in from below.. The warmth of the water made her body relax incredibly.A hot bath was just what she needed to banish the tension of the day and relax the stress.. She closed her eyes for a few seconds.. she did some dirty thinking and opened them at once.. After she was over she got out of the shower, she put on her bathrobe and looked in the mirror..

"Concentrate, Becky, you can't think of such things, and especially with him," she murmured to herself.. and she went into her room.. Under the ring under the mask of" the man " she was still a woman like all the others..

Beautiful young, sweet and like every woman had her almost daily beauty routine.. that helped her stay and look always so fresh.. From her now made shelves she chose a Vanilla Body Cream and started putting on after her bath..First on her feet with slow gentle movements and then on her body.. She finished with the body cream and donned her underwear and pyjamas.. She hastily dried her hair and resumed her evening routine.. Next were the face cream and the hand cream.. when it was over she sat up in bed and took up her book to read a little, reading always helping her to sleep.. She began to read but she was distracted from other things very soon.. Her fingers touched her lips.. she closed her eyes, and the image of the kiss she had exchanged with Seth that night played over and over again in her mind.. she was trying to get it out of her mind, but it was pointless.. She had to stop think how well Seth was kissing, and the truth was that he was a great kisses.. she had to concentrate on the fight she had to give with Finn against him and Mandy.. that's what she should be thinking.. but unfortunately she could not.. she closed the book and lay back on the pillow, closed her eyes and let herself sink into a sweet sleep full of beautiful dreams..

In the meantime Seth returned to the house where he was staying with Mandy, found her waiting for him, left his keys, and entered the House..

"Hey Babe," Seth said to her while Mandy looked at him savagely.

"Where Have You Been, Seth? i called you like zilion times" she asked in her disturbing squeaky voice..

"I had to arrange the match with Finn, and Becky I was trying to convince Stephanie and Hunter and that wasn't easy.. come on Baby Please stop whining " he smiled at her and gave her a kiss

"I'm trying.. but it's not easy.. that Irish pin has come back and she thinks she is somebody" said Mandy angrily.. it seemed that Becky's present in her life had upset her..

"Oh, come on, baby, now you're better.. you got her out of the ring once, you can do it again," Seth smiled at her, kissing her as they went toward their bedroom..

"MMM, do you think that in that tag team I will take her out?" she asked while taking off his shirt.

"Mmmm, just as you did then," he answered , and laid her down with strength on the bed.

She pulled him by the pants and found him far above her.. his lips kissed hers passionately.. He undressed her hastily, and his lips wildly kissed her neck.. he was leaving bruises.. she sighed.. her fingers went through his back leaving little scratches.. his lips went all over her body leaving marks.. she was moaning like she was the star of some porn movie. she did not understand when he had undressed her and when he was inside her.. he pulled her hair and she left scratches on his shoulders.. she was screaming.. his breath was heavy and unaccountable from hers..For a moment he opened his eyes, and thinking he saw Becky, he closed his eyes again. She cum first, and he followed..

He got out of bed without saying a word.. He went into the bathroom under the cold water.. He stayed there for quite an hour.. when he came out she had fallen asleep..

He went out with the towel wrapped around his waist to the balcony to have a cigarette.. He looked at Mandy who was asleep.. 'How fake she is!' he thought for a second.. and his mind turned back moments before. He might have said he was in love with her, but lately that's all he hasn't felt.. Her behavior made him uncomfortable, but for some reason he didn't break up with her..

He blew the smoke of his cigarette.. He rarely smoked. he almost never liked it, it wasn't healthy.Smoking wasn't in his routine.. but tonight he needed it..

He stroked his lips and let out a little smile.. He remembered the kiss he had given to Becky.. A few minutes ago he had been making sex with his fiancee.. and now.. now he was thinking Becky.. he still had the taste of her lips in his.. cherry or strawberry.. a taste so familiar that it reminded him so much things..That kiss awakened so many memories in him.It was a kiss that lasted only a few seconds and was capable of driving him crazy.. He knew that he must not think of her. he knew his fiancee was on war with this woman, but he didn't seem to care about it at all.. Becky was something else, and every effort of his to stop thinking about her was falling.. He shook his head and tossed the cigarette into a glass with some water.. He went in and dressed himself and lay down beside Mandy, he closed his eyes and fell asleep..

Ok ok I know you didn't like the sex scene between Mandy and Seth but it will only be this one.. no other one.. and I have already written a better one for brollins.. So.. if you liked the chapter.. comment and vote.. Next chapter tomorrow..!  And if you want look my new brollins story "Deep waters" !!!Until next chapter kisses! XOXO!

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