Wedding day

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2 months later

Today was their day. The day Rebecca would finally marry the lover of her life. Colby.. The day for her was perhaps the happiest of her life. Her friends had travelled with their significant others to Iowa, where the wedding was to take place.. Her parents were also there. Unlike all brides, she wasn't nervous about her marriage.. She was anxious that the hours should pass to put on her white wedding-dress, and at last to marry the Prince of her fairyland. Paige, Alexa, Maryse, Nikki and even Ashley were there to be with her at the happiest moment of her life..

Laughter, voices, preparations and they didn't even know how the time passed..Her wedding hour was approaching.. she was getting ready while her friends were there with her to cheer and tease her..

"Are you happy?"Nikki asked her, smiling.

"I am more than happy, Nikki.. in a few hours I shall be officially married, " she smiled. She was glowing, and it wasn't the makeup, it was happiness..

"Yes, now that you will be marry you will she how  incredible experience this is " teased Paige, and she stuck out her tongue.

"If you don't like Married Life, Why don't you get a divorse?"Alexa asked her

"Because there is no other man to marry her," answered Maryse, and they burst into laughter.. The door to the room slammed and her mother came in..

"Girls, will you leave us alone for a while?"she asked, and they nodded

"We must go anyway.. we'll see you in a bit, Becky," Ashley told her, and she nodded.. The girls left and she was left alone with her mother..

"Are you happy, baby?"her mother asked her.

"I'm the happiest woman in the world," she smiled.

"Are you ready to marry the man of your dreams?"she asked her

"I am," she said, and Rose.. Her mother looked at her wiping her eyes.. She helped her to put on her sandals, and then she and her father started for the church.

There Colby went up and down holding the bouquet, and he was more anxious than anybody else, and that made his friends tease him all the time.

"It takes her to long to come right?! " said John, looking at his watch.

"I'll tell you what happened," said Mike, and they looked at him.

"What happen?"Roman asked .

"Becky regretted it" said Mike, and Colby glared at him.

"Why do you say that?"Manuel asked .

"Because the girl must have understood her mistake and decided to get away before it was too late," said Dean, and they burst into laughter..

Seth staked them with his gaze while the girls tried to calm him down

"Come on, Don't listen to them, they're all fools!" said Ashley, patting him on the back.

"She's right.. Becky was counting the minutes all day until the time to wear her wedding dress, " Maryse told him.

"And be sure she's not going to run away," Paige confirmed.

"Thank you, girls," he smiled at them..

Soon the car stopped in front of the church.. Colby stood in his seat smiling, holding the bouquet..She got out of the car and caught her father by the arm.. Colby looked at her and shuddered.. She was beautiful in her white wedding dress.. Her slightly inflated abdomen made her more charming.. She walked over to the white carpet that was paved and full of roses.. she approached him. He gave her the bouquet, and they exchanged a tender peck kiss.. She caught his arm, and they entered the church.. The mystery began.. Everybody watched excitedly.. The time has come to exchange their vows..Colby looked her in straight the eyes..

Rebecca's wedding dress

Rebecca's wedding dress

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"Rebecca.. I met you four years ago and I've never forgotten you since then. No relationship I've had since I met you has mattered. No woman ever made me forget you. Nobody's like you.You came into my life and changed my whole world. Every time I'm near you I feel that my heart will stop. I fell in love with your eyes, your smile. I love your fiery temperament. I love how stubborn you are.."He began to say.. he put his hand on her stomach and looked her in the eyes

"Today here in front of our friends, our families but especially in front of our child I swear that I will love you I will take care of you, I will protect you as long as I live. I swear to you that there will be no other woman for me, unless we have a daughter whom I love so deeply. That I will be beside you in poverty and riches in health and sickness.. That you were, you are and and you will be the love of my life," he said, caressing her abdomen, and they all burst into applause..With his thumb he wiped the tears from her eyes..

"Colby, from the time you came into my life, you've been making a mess of it. Our relationship started here four years ago and you haven't left my mind since. I have not loved and will never love anyone as much as I have loved you. We met four years later, and you kept turning my life upside down. Our relationship started with fights and ended here.. And if I could turn back time, I wouldn't change anything. Because our story is the most beautiful of all. It's the one I'll tell our children, and our grandchildren. You're the man who makes me the happiest woman of all.. And I'd rather fight with you than not fight with someone else. And today in front of everyone I swear to love you untill the end of my life.. "she said, looking him in the eyes.. He smiled tenderly at her..

He leaned toward her and left a tender kiss on her lips.. The mystery was soon over.. They left the church. Friends applauded them and threw rice and rose petals at them until they got into the car.. They looked each other in the eyes..

"Happy?"he asked her while his fingers were entangled in hers./

"The happiest woman in the world," she smile, looking at their tangled fingers.. then she looked at her ring and then she stroked her belly.

"I love you," he whispered to her.

"I love you," she answered.. and he leaned towards her for one more tender kiss.. They were now officially married and no one could broke them apart..

And they are officially married! Soon it comes the last chapter of this book!I hope you liked this one!

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