First official date

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Wrestlemania was over.. Their schedule now was looser than before for a while.. They had decided to spend their Week in Iowa.. So that she could get to know the city better, see places that only he knew and stay away from the hustle and bustle of Orlando who had her apartment.. Their relationship seemed to be going great..

Tonight he had asked her to officially take her out on their first date.. And she was excited about it.. Excited and at the same time quite nervous. She never got along on First Dates and even though they had known each other for 4 years and had kissed since the first day of their acquaintance they never had a real date. He was away from home all day with his coffee and school, and she had to be perfect for her date..She call her friends on a facetime!

"Hey girls" she was smiling at the camera as she sat in bed

"Wow, this isn't our house," Maryse asked.

"In Iowa with Colby," she answered shyly.

"Wow, when did that happen?"Maryse asked .

"I left it in a note on the table," she answered.

"Oh I didn't see it I didn't go home I'm in Mike's" she replied

"I am not surprised," Paige said.

"Let us see what the girl wants from us," said Alexa..

"I need your help with something," she said, biting her lips.

"Are you pregnant?"Maryse asked her .

"No, Are you crazy? would I know in four days? are you stupid?"Becky asked her, and the others laughed.

"Then what is it?"Paige asked .

"He asked me out on a date and it's our first one and I don't want to go in leggings  and sneakers and I want you to help me a little bit" she replied

"Awwwww!" they all went on to tease her, and she turned red with anger..

"Come and help," she said grimly.

"Okay, okay.. where Will you go?"Paige asked .

"A restaurant," she smiled.

"Perfectly you will choose a pretty dress and a pair of heels.. you have both with you, don't you?"Maryse asked .

"Yes, yes.. I have them with me.."she answered!

"Then.. you will do your hair curls and you will do a nice make up but not something excessive " suggested Alexa

"And wear earrings.. they're more subtle and fragrant," Paige told her..

"You saved me," she smiled.

"And tomorrow we want all the details," Alexa told her.

"No we don't want all the details we just want what happened in the restaurant, how much fun you had in sex we don't need it," Paige told her.. she stuck out her tongue, and their conversation ended..

She looked at the time.. it was six o'clock in the afternoon.. She went in to take her bath and start getting ready.. she had an hour and a half to get ready and be as pretty as she could for her first official date with him. She took a bath, picked out her dress, her heels and started doing her hair.. It was nearly seven and a half, and she was almost ready.. She did her makeup and waited.. 8 o'clock struck the bell.. She laughed at the thought that he ringh the bell in his own house. She rose and opened the door.. As soon as he saw her he lost his voice.. it took him a few minutes to be able to speak.

"So bad Am I that you have not a word to say?"she asked, biting her lips .

"Rebecca.. you.. ow.. you are beautiful," he said, and gave her the Red Rose he held.

"Is that for me?"she smiled shyly .

"I wanted to get you a whole bouquet but it only had this in the flower shop," he smiled.

"It's wonderful," she smiled, and looked at him, biting her lower lip.. He was wearing a black trousers, white shirt and black jacket, his hair was caught in a man-ban and he looked quite sexy..

"Ready for our date?"he asked her

"Ready," smiled.. she left the Rose on the little furniture in front of her and took his hand they got into the car and started..

A little later they were in a small restaurant.. At a quiet table and they ate. He couldn't take his eyes off her.. In his eyes she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Rebecca, May I ask you something?"he said to her, and she looked at him while she drank a sip of the wine in her glass.

"Of course," she smiled.

"I know it's a little early for that sort of thing.. but you want to stay together?"he asked her, and she rolled her eyes in surprise.

"To stay together as in the same house?"she repeated his question .

"Yes.. I'll understand if you don't," she answered.

"No.. I want us to stay together, " she smiled.

"Excellent," he replied.

"But where shall we live? here or in Orlando?"ask her as she goes on eating

"Everywhere ytou want..," smiled he.

"You know what? I like it here.. it's quiet.. and I always relax.. I'd rather stay here.."she smiled, and he nodded..

Their evening rolled on very prettily.. It was all very romantic.. It made her feel unique. Like there was no one else in the world.He loved her, and one could see it in his eyes. Those eyes that looked at her so lovingly. With such passion.. And she loved him more than any one. And yet the crisis in their relationship would not be long in coming. And that was only because they were both very sad but nothing would last for long because life had other plans and whatever was done to separate them life wanted them together! Because they were each other's Destiny!

I hope you like it! If you do vote and comment.. From the next chapter the crisis will start.. But lets see how long this last!

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