Alexa's Invasion

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They reached the lobby of the hotel where they were all gathered.The eyes of all fell instantly upon them.. And they stood for a moment upon Becky who still wore Seth's jacket.. They sat each with his friends and waited for Stephanie..Her hands were tucked into his jacket in which she was floating, and she looked cute and sweet.. Many men looked at her and found her sexy and adorable no matter who dressed she was.. Mandy wasn't there  and was definitely better with what would happen earlier.. Stephanie went out to talk to them.

"Come, come, be quiet.. I invited you here for two reasons/ / one is that since we are in IOWA in Davenport it would be good to do your workouts at Seth's school to do a little advertising " she said smiling and he nodded thank you..

"And what's the second?"Maryse asked..

"The second is that we have with us.." tried to say Stephanie but did not succeed from behind her sprang a beautiful sweet blonde presence..Stephanie looked at her a little angrily.

"I've been waiting for you to announce me for 20 seconds. I won't wait forever. I'm Alexa Bliss I'll be your new colleague and I'm on raw" she smiled wistfully..

She was quite short, with blonde hair dyed pink at the tips, a nice body and big blue eyes.. She looked at the crowd in front of her and her gaze stuck to Roman for a few minutes, and his to her until Becky's voice was heard.

"I don't believe that.. Lexi Kaufman.. teacher's star" she said cheerfully.

"Rebecca Quin fear and fright of the school," replied Lexi, and ran to embrace her friend.. they smiled

"What are you doing here, Lexi?"Becky smiled .

"I've made up my mind to find my way here, I'm tired of being in law school," she smiled, and Becky returned the smile.

"Let me introduce you. Alexa is a friend of mine from school...This is Paige, my manager, Maryse is in charge of our clothes and make-up and we missing Nikki who's preparing her wedding," smiled Becky kindly..

"Yes, yes, girls, I was very glad to meet you.. but I have some questions, " said Alexa, and her gaze discreetly rested a little further on the men's side

"Aske it's free, " Paige said, laughing.

"Amm, who is this handsome fellow? " she asked, looking more keenly at the boys.

"For whom does he say of all?"asked Maryse

"For him that looks a little like hot, the handsomest of all you see there," she answered with a little irony.

"Mike?  " asked Maryse anxiously .

"The girl was talking about hot Maryse, what hot has to do with Mike?" Becky said ironically.

"He is Roman Reigns," answered Becky, and a sigh of relief was heard from Maryse.

"Are you nervous about not having Mike taken away from you?" asked Paige, laughing.

"Don't speak at all.. if she was looking at Dean you'd have beat her by now," he smiled ironically.

"Stop the fight and tell me how can I meet him," Alexa told them.

"Don't worry you'll meet him he is in the same brand we are all,don't worry" Paige told her

"You tell .. did you come here to work or find a boyfriend?  " asked Becky, who was standing on her back to the boys."

"For both.. can I ask you why you don't wear lipstick when you're on a make up?"Alexa asked impudently, a question that Maryse and Paige had long wanted to do, but they didn't," Becky turned her gaze away.

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