The Big Match

803 32 23

Monday, 8 p.m.


Monday had already arrived, and there was panic behind the scenes.. Loud voices. men and women were on fire for tonight.. It was the first night after the draft and there was plenty of anxiety.. the new season was officially on..The girls were in locker rooms getting ready.. Becky was sitting in her chair, wearing a long robe and waiting patiently for her makeup and hair to be done,under the orders of Maryse who was there with Paige to cheer her up for tonight's match..

"How do you feel honey" asked Maryse anxiously.

"It's the 355 time you've asked me since this morning, Maryse, I told you I am all right.. I don't have anything.. don't make me nervous, " she said as she sat with her eyes closed to do her make-up

"Well, I'll go out with you up there; I'll accompany you," said Paige, who looked quite alarmed, but did not show it.

'Mmm yeah I know I'll walk around with you like you're a bodyguard' laughed Becky

"You're stupid," Paige told her to tease her..

"I have brought you a singular gear for your first match to wear, and then you can put on the leather ones," smiled Maryse, and Becky looked at her with the corner of her eye.

"How do you intend to dressed me Maryse?" Becky asked

"As befits your first fight," smiled Maryse enigmatically.

"I don't like what I hear," she told them.. Maryse looked at her and smiled, her make up was done

"You'll be as always, " she smiled and gave her a mirror to look at.. it was really very nice result

"Mmmm I trust you, Maryse," she smiled cheerfully, while the hairdresser was doing her hair, Paige puffed for the thousandth time.

"You've blown us away. what's up?"Becky asked, trying not to make any sudden movements so as not to burn with the iron in her hair .

"eh umm.. aaa.. "Paige hesitated, and they looked at her.

"Go," said Maryse.

"Where shall I go?" Paige ask pretended she didn't understand .

"Go and see what Dean is doing on the backstage, you're making me nervous and I need to have my hair done soon" Becky said, while Paige smiled, got up and hurried off to the boys lockerooms

IMandy was sitting with a friend of hers, Lacey Evans, chatting.. they glanced toward Becky. Alexa was sitting right behind them wearing her headphones pretending to listen to music and listening everything they talked about..

"Hmmm, just to see her my blood raised my head," said Mandy irritably.

"Mm-hmm, she has that kind and sweet and innocent look," Lacey replied.

"Mmmm, that gives it on my nersves. I want to pluck her hair, " she muttered angrily..

"And the funny thing is, everybody's talking about her tonight.. for her big return and sjhe wasn't even that great," she added.

"We'll go out in the ring and you'll see what I'll do to that Irish cockroach," she muttered, as she took a sip of her green tea.

"What are you going to do? " Lacey asked.

'I'll make her tapout in the first five minutes of the match,' Mandy smiled ironically.. Alexa smiled, sent a message to Becky with all she had heard..

Becky looked at the message, showed it to Maryse, and they looked at each other with meaning, then laughed.. they continued their talk  until her hair was done and she had to get ready.. In the meantime Paige had once again invaded the boys ' locker room to check on her husband, she above him and was rubbing his shoulders while he was talking to the others.

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