Men Talk

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In a large detached house in Orlando, in a big living room sat Seth with Mike.. They had come close enough and had become friends.. They talked about everything.. Seth was quite respectful of Mike's opinion. For him he was not The awesome Miz.. He was Mike, his friend who was going to talk to him and tell him his opinion freely without being intimidated by something. This would do and now...

"So what you thing about the day we've been through?" Mike asked as he was put himself a whiskey..

"Interesting..I didn't think I'd be drinking coffee instead of working out,"replied Seth while he had a whiskey too

"Mandy hasn't called yet.. how is that?" Mike asked and drank a sip of his drink.

"She is in a spa so I guess I'll see her tomorrow ," replied Seth and sat more comfortably in his armchair.

"So you didn't tell me what you think about Becky?" asked Mike and Seth looked at him

"I guess she is nice. She seems like a very nice girl, "he replied casually. He had not liked her or disliked her, she left him indifferent

"She is.. She's a very strong girl.. And very good in the ring.. "replied Mike and drank one more sip from his glass

"I don't know if she's as good as you keep saying. We will see it, "replied Seth, considered that Mike exaggerates.. he did this often, He was used to exaggerating with the show that Stephanie and Hunter gave him. MIZ TV had made him exaggerate sometimes but this wasn't one o those moments

"You'll see it the moment that she will catches your fiancée from her blond hair and send her to count Angels," Mike said as he was laughing

"You want to convince me that the Becky can be on a beef with Mandy and win it?" Seth said laughing

"I mean.. she will whoop her ass if she watches her.. Don't see her so calm and kind, smiling and sweet deep down is hyena, worse than Randy Orton."Mike said serious

"Well, we'll see," replied Seth. he didn't believe that Becky was as strong as he was telling him, but he didn't want the confrontation to lead to a fight and so he replied casually.

"Prepare for the war.. is coming" Mike said finishing his whiskey...

"Yeah.. So backstage is going to be a mess. "Seth finished his whiskey.

"Yes if they find themselves in the same brand these two then surely it will be a mess in backstage and I am afraid that we will have to choose sides" ike answered.

"And you with whom side will you be" Seth asked

"I have told you dozens of times my opinion for Mandy I don't trust her, I don't I think she is opportunistic, insidious, bad behaviour, slut and simple I tolerate her because you chose her. Just because I talk to her when you bring her with you doesn't mean that I like her or that I will. I just respect your choice until you break up with her, so don't ask me with whom side I am.. I am clearly with the Becky "Mike replied, straight up. He wasn't afraid if Seth was mad.. it was his opinion and he wasn't going to lie as a favour for anyone

"How can you say that I am your friend, and I do not intend to break up with her," said the Seth annoyed

"Yes, but the war has to do with those two.. Not you and her.. I've told you many times what I think of Mandy.. You're my friend, not her and I don't want her to be.. I respect your choice but that's it.. In this war I will take the side of Becky "he told him again. No Mike was a straight man in his life.. He would never lie, and that was something that Seth hated many times it was incredibly appreciated.

'You know that this can cost us our friendship, right?" Seth asked

"You lose something, you win something.. is that they say right? If this is enough for us to stop being friends then we have never been friends.. The war will surely be.with the,,. they don;t like each other. But that shouldn't affect our interpersonal relationships don't you think? " Mike asked

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