Training Time

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The next morning the sound of her alarm caused her to jump out of bed.. She was awfully sleepy, but she knew she had a pretty hard day ahead of her.. She looked at the clock.. The time was 8.30. In an hour she would have to be at her training session with Finn and have try hard because the match they had to give Monday in Iowa made her nervous.. Yes, she loved this place. it had become one of the most important parts of her life.. she had marked her, but her trouble was not that.. it made her nervous because she was Seth's birthplace and in no way would he allow anyone to embarrass him in the place where he was born.. She finally got out of bed, made a coffee, dressed herself and started for the gym where she was going to practice with Finn..

Long enough in the traffic and she was nervous.. when at last she made her way she found Finn waiting for her there, smiling.

"Good Morning, pretty face," he said to her with a sweet smile, and instantly made her nerves disappear.

"Good morning handsome how are you?"she asked while she was leaving her things in a corner

"I'm all right.. I can't see you are not.. what's going on?"he asked her uneasily.

"It's just a very long day " she said fixing her messy ban..

"Why so?" he asked with curiosity.

"'Cause I've got practice here with you and then I'll go home I'll take a shower I'll change and I'll go find Nikki, Maryse and Paige to go get some wedding dresses"

"And why is that bad?"he asked in Wonder.

"Because Seth is coming with us so Nikki can have a man's opinion.. so it wasn't enough for us to face him on Monday at the ring  we have to put up with him today " she put down her bottle of ice water while finishing her coffee

"Mmmm yes yes we have the match on Monday how do you feel about that?"he asked while he started doing streching

"Nervous.. not because I'm afraid of them but you know and I know that it's his hometown he will give his 200% in order not to be embarrassed over there and we know that he is good enough  we do not admit it" she puffed and started with the heat..

"You are right; he is very good," he answered.

"And we've got the trip tomorrow. once again i have to make my suitcase" she said, laughing somewhat despondently, and they began their warm-up and their training together..

Both Finn and Becky knew how passionate an athlete Seth was.. he had faced several big guys and had managed to beat them.. What Becky was betting on were the weaknesses Mandy had in racing.. if in any way it distracted her this would made her an easy opponent.. Training was tough.. As good a friend as Finn was and as sweet, as dog he was as an athlete and as bad as he could be as a personal trainer, but that made Becky choose him.. It would make her spit blood, but it would make her better, and indeed the first day of their training was pretty good.. It lasted four whole hours.. but it was worth it.. At the same time that Becky was training with Finn, Seth was trying in vain to convince Mandy to start training

"Come on, Mandy, we need to do some training. don't keep your min in your fucking hair and nails," he told her in a desperate tone.

"Oh come on, I don't even need training to deal with this Irish flu," she replied cynically.

"The Irish flu, as you call her will not be given to you the wining ; on the contrary, I think she will do her best to take us out; don't forget that she has  Finn Balor as a coach, and the fellow is not joking at all," he answered,  he had seen in Becky's look that she was determined to do what she could by trying to leave her mark it that ring..

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