Dean's speach

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The next morning Becky slept in the clinic room.. It was 11 o'clock when she finally opened her eyes and found Paige smiling at her.. Becky got up a little and settled the serums she had in her hand..

"Good morning, mommy. how are you?"Paige asked her in a tone of playfulness.. but Becky didn't seem to like that at all.

"Don't Call Me Momma again Paige" she said gravely, and looked at her.

"Becky, what's the matter, Honey? you want to tell me? " asked Paige quietly..

"Yes.. I've been thinking about it all night, so I slept in the morning," she answered, her hand resting on her stomach.

"You want to tell me what you thought?"asked Paige

"Yes.. I will not keep the child I will have an abortion " she told her and Paige turned pale and the next minute she was furious"

'I'm not going to let you do such crazy things, Rebecca, do you understand?'Paige told her nervously.

"You can't stop me," she retorted nervously.

" I can and I will," answered Paige.

"Nothing and nobody can stop me," answered Becky.

"Seth will be able to stop you when he finds out," she told her.

"Seth neither knows nor will know," she answered .

"I'll tell him all about it, and he'll come himself to stop you," she said nervously.

"You won't tell him anything, do you understand? "it is my choice not to keep this baby," she answered, and Paige seemed to be brooding..

"You are right.. I can't stop you, but I won't stop trying to change your mind," she said, looking at her.

"I want to be alone.. go and come in the afternoon and Dean needs his wife.. and please don't say anything to anyone.. "she asked her in calmer tones .

"I'll come by again this afternoon," she said, and closed the door as she was leaving

She would sit on the bed and stare into the void..The thoughts in her head were driving her mad.. her arms hugged her stomach protectively. She did not know this child; she had decided to have an abortion and yet she loved it. She gathered her feet to her breast and burst into  sobs.. She felt confused.. Paige has arrived home.. she was distressed; Dean looked at her uneasily.

"Darling, what's the matter?"he asked her in surprise.

"Becky!" he said as he sat down on the sofa.

"Becky what? is something wrong?"he asked.

"She's pregnant," she told him, and he puffed.

"Really?"Dean asked.

"Yes," she answered him coldly.

"And why are we not glad?"he asked her hesitatingly.

"Because she doesn't want to keep it. she says her relationship with Seth is over and that she can't raise a child by herself," she told him.. he did not speak.. he let her go to bed.. When he made sure she was asleep he took the keys to his car and drove off..

He arrived at the hospital and asked for her room.. they told him where to find her.. He knocked at the door to her room and went in.. she looked at him in amazement.

"I came to see how are you," he said to her, and drew nearer.

"I'm all right," she smiled at him hesitatingly. he sat down near her..

"Paige told me what's going on," he said, and took her hand.

"Yes, I thought so," he said, and looked at him.

"Why do you want to do that?"he asked her and looked her in the eye .

"I have no choice, Dean.. I don't have a choice anymore.. her voice broke.

"The Becky I know never give up," he told her to give her a lift.

"That Becky doesn't exist anymore.. I'm done, Dean.. I broke and this time my pieces are so small they don't come together" she explained and he took her hand

"You won't be alone, you'll have all of us if he doesn't want to be here," he said; but she shook her head ardently.

"I've made my choice , Dean, and please don't tell anyone.. I don't  want anyone to know," she told him.. he looked desperate.

"You don't know how lucky you are," he said to her after several minutes, and she looked at him.

"What do you mean?"she asked him hesitatingly.

"For being pregnant.. you don't know how lucky you are," he told her again this time; his look was more insistent.

"Why do you say that?"she asked timidly.

"We've been together 4 years.. We've been trying to have a child for 4 years.. and every time.. we fail.. everytime she is able to get pregnant she losses the baby.. She miscarriages . every time.. like we're cursed.. and I don't care about me.. but she's sad that she can't be a mother..I would give all my fortune to be able to give her a child the child she wants so much.. to the hell the money and the career and everything. we tried every way we could.. we even had an IVF.. nothing, she arrived until the 4th month and she lost it.. and then we gave up.. she said she didn't want to make another attempt.. that we're not meant to have a child.. but I know she wants it.. and she really wants it.. so think hard about what you've decided to do.. because in your belly you have a gift that many other women  who want it cannot have it, " he told her, and before she could say anything he had left the room..

It was the first time Dean had spoken like that.. which was so serious and so desperate, and the first time Becky had seen that in her friend's happy marriage there was a great thorn.. her fingers just rested on her slightly pricked stomach.. She closed her eyes and thought.. she was as confused.. Dean's words made her start to think again.. and now she did not know whether her decision would be the same or if she would change it..

So here we are.. sorry if this is not a great chapter i tried my best.. If you like it vote and comment. Let me know what you think Becky is gonna do after her talk with Dean! Maybe later i will post another one until the next chapter kisses. XOXO!

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