At the hospital!

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Beck's Pov

The ambulance on the road was running.. Paige was sitting next to me, holding my hand..I opened and closed my eyes mechanically.. I couldn't stand the light..My head was going to break and in my stomach I felt a strong stir.I felt too tired to be able to say or do anything else. I felt really broken.Everything that had happened with Colby  had crushed me physically and psychologically, I no longer had courage and appetite for anything.. Paige held my hand and spoke calmly while the ambulance carried me to the hospital

" Becky? how are you feeling?"she asked softly, but her voice showed the concern she had vainly tried to hide.

"Awful!" I muttered with difficulty.. I opened and closed my eyes quickly.

"What do you feel?"she asked me again.

"Everything is spinning around me and my stomach is stirring," I answered almost fiercely..

"We are arriving to the hospital; a doctor will see you and tell us what has happened to you," she shook my hand.

The ambulance parked and the paramedics pulled the stretcher out.. They led me to the emergency room and Paige was running behind me.. They left me outside a large chamber to wait.. I opened my eyes with difficulty, I could feel the light bothering me but I had to get used to it.. Paige looked terrified, worried and anxious to see the doctor.

"Don't be so anxious, please, you'll faint too in the end," I murmured, trying to calm her down.

"We're in a hospital, so there's no problem," she said, laughing.

"And what about Dean? he will be very concerned if something happens to you ?"I said, smiling.

"He will be fine, he is a man after all," she answered, somewhat cynically, and made me laugh.

"You're right," I smiled.. Our conversation was cut short as a nurse approached..

She started asking me my details, what had happened and then led me to the examination room. The doctor called me and started a quick check..

"Mrs. Quin can you walk?"she asked me kindly .

"Yes.. yeah... I'm not so dizzy," I answered calmly.

"You will take this paper and go to the gynaecological ward," she said, and handed me a referral.. I was surprised, but I answered in the affirmative without asking many questions..

Paige helped me get off the stretcher and we headed to the gynaecological wing.. there was a doctor waiting for me.. she asked me to wear a medical robe and she started the examination.. All this time I had felt no uneasiness; but now I was terrified.. I didn't like the look of the doctor at all.. I looked at her apprehensively, both myself and Paige..

"Ok" was finally heard by the doctor.

"Doctor, what's the matter? is it serious?"Paige asked before I could say a word, but I'd ask the same exact questions.

"No, not anything  serious the exact opposite" she answered, with a mysterious smile.

"Well, I'm a little nervous about it, though," I finally managed to tell her.

"Rebecca, I want to ask you a few questions, okay?"she asked me, and I nodded.

"All right," I agreed.

"Well, tell me.. have you been feeling anything strange lately?"she asked, and I thought a little.

"When you say strange?"I looked at her as I sat down in the examination chair .

"Let me be more explicit.. do you feel more exhausted than usual? that you're too tired and need sleep?"she asked me, and I looked at her.

"Well, some days I feel very tired, and I don't want to get out of bed.. I want to sleep all day, if it were possible to fall into a hibernation like a bear,"I answered, and Paige laughed at the doctor.

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