Seth's Pov

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And while the night was ending with this news for Becky, Mike Maryse Alexa was at the hotel in Mike's and Maryse's room worried about what had happened a few hours ago but also about Becky's state of Health.. Her sudden faintness had alarmed them all.. The last few days she looked like pieces and on the other hand Alexa was furious with Seth who seemed not to give a damn about her health when he had brought her to these tragic results

"Alexa, please, dear, Can you relax a little?"Mike told her as she was going up and down.

"No.. no, I can't calm down.. how to calm down? our friend is in the hospital without knowing what she has, Paige didn't even bother to call us let us know and I'm furious with  your idiot friend" she answered.. Mike laughed. he couldn't understand how so many nerves could fit into such a tiny creature as Alexa.

"And why are you mad?"Mike asked.

"Mike, are you kidding us/ how do you ask her why? she collapsed in front of us she left in an ambulance we told him and he didn't even sweat his ear? are you serious?"Maryse was also in a state of exasperation .

"He's still angry," Mike tried to excuse him.

"He's a jerk," Alexa told him.

"So it comes to me to go to his room and start slapping him" she clenched her fists and punched in the air

"Alexa is right, Mike he need some slaps" Maryse pointed out to him as she sat on the bed

"I knnow.. and that's why I let Roman go to his room with him instead of me.. I'd lose my temper.. and I'd beat him," he answered, and put on a glass of whiskey

"Do you think my Roman can accomplish anything?"asked Alexa

"MMM perhaps.. Roman will handle it much more coolly than we all of us together" replied Mike

"Yes, Roman will talk to him with reason, and perhaps he will make an end of it," answered Maryse, and made herself better comfortable in bed..

At the same time Roman was with Seth in the second's room and they were talking.. Indeed Roman was trying to get a foothold..

"Oh, Seth, are you really not worried at all about what may have happened to Becky?"he asked while he drank another sip of his whisky .

"Nothing has happened to Becky.. she is been trying to get your attention, but that doesn't work with me, don't forget that Becky is an excellent actress," he replied harshly.

"It didn't seem so theatrical to me all that we saw.. you didn't see it so you say it" answered Roman trying to defend her

"Oh, yeah, and what did you see?"he asked, ironically .

"A Becky leaving behind the scenes for the locker room and halfway down.. collapsed without any of us being able to bring her to her senses.. and take her in the ambulance"he answered,

"Uh, no, I'm not worried.She's gonna be fine.. she is strong " Seth answered still more insensibly.

"She's broken.. She Loves You, Seth. open your fucking eyes and see it.. put your fucking ego aside don't fuck up what's happening to you with Becky!" he tried to tell him to revive him.

"She fucked it up when she got up and left our house," he answered as he filled his glass again.

"All right.. but it wasn't a little bit to find a naked picture of Mandy on your phone, " Roman told him while playing with his glass

"Yes, but she wouldn't listen to me. you know I didn't cheat on her, " he said nervously.

"I do.. she doesn't know it, and you didn't do anything to convince her, either," Roman replied.

"If she loved me as much as she said she wouldn't want any explanations, she would believe me when I said I had no relationship and that Mandy is a lunatic" he drank a big sip from his glass

"You forget that Becky has been through this before, with Mandy just before her marriage to  Baron," he tried to convince him in some way.

"I'm not Corbin and if Lady Rebecca doesn't understand that then there's absolutely no reason for us to be together and cut the conversation off because you're making me angry," Seth told him nervously as he finished his drink

Roman tried to say something, but his phone stopped him.. he picked it up..

"Come on, Alexa, what happened?"he asked somewhat uneasily, and continued his conversation..

"Did Paige call you? what did she say? that she's okay? and? they kept her in, and tomorrow they'll know if she's coming out? Yes, .. but she is okay.. Oh, well, she'll tell us herself, Okay.. OK.. go to my room and I'll be back in a minute " he smiled and hung up the phone and looked at Seth

"Why are you looking at me like that?"he asked him as he left the glass on the little table.

"They keep her in  hospital tonight.. she'll be out tomorrow.. reasonable.. you want me to call Paige and find out what room she is so you're going to find her in?  " asked Roman, and Seth looked at him angrily .

"I told you that if Lady Rebecca decided to end it that way I wouldn't run after her.. and before you get me any further, go to Alexa, who's waiting for you, and leave me.. you are gone, " he commanded him.. Roman had no choice but to shake his head and leave the room..

Seth got up and went out of his room noiselessly.. he went down to the lobby and asked for Becky's key.. they gave it to him, and he went up to her room.. He went in.. In the room there was her perfume everywhere.. His selfishness would not let him admit it, but the truth was that he lacked it.. he missed her.. her smile, her nerves, her eyes.. her perfume.. that perfume he loved so much.. And yes, he was worried that nothing had happened to her, and he wanted like crazy to run to the hospital to find her, and Iwish he did because if he did that would change Becky's decision,but he was too selfish to let it go..

He took walks in her room. He found his shirt on the bed.. This she wore to sleep at night months now, he  took it in his hands, and sat down on the bed.. he passed it through his nose.. Her perfume had watered in every inch of the cloth.. he clasped it in his fingers.. Anger? maybe.. Regret? very likely.. Sadness? yeah.. He was missing her.. his fingers tightened more tightly on the shirt..

"Why? why would I love you so fucking much? why should I miss you why should I think how you are? what if you're okay or not?" he muttered, and laid his head on the pillow.. His mind had been running a few days before.. On those nights when either in the hotels or at home she would wear his shirt, smile at him playfully and tuck into his arms to sleep.. with his face hidden in her hair so he could smell her perfume.. to count her breaths, to clasp her over him, and to sleep in hugs.. That's what he wanted, that's what he lacked, and that's what he couldn't have as long as he put his stubbornness and selfishness above his heart.. In the end he fell asleep with no other strength.. he hadn't slept for days.. he could not stay away from her

And this is your chapter! I hope you liked it..If you did vote and comment! If this get more than 15 votes and 8 comments Maybe i post another one!Until then.. kisses!

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