Challenge accepted

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Everyone around looked and commented on what was happening.., In the backstage Nikki had arrived with John for quite some time now.. who watched with undiminished interest and commented

"I think our friend has grown quite wild. look how she looks at Mandy and Seth! " commented Nikki to Maryse who sat beside her

"If she could have devoured them with her eyes they would have been out of the fight already," added Maryse, with a laugh.

"Wow, Finn's in the game, too.. this is gonna be better than I expected.. too bad we don't have some popcorn, " Miz added, And Nikki patted him on the shoulder while Roman laughed a little.

"Cut the crap  so we can watching, now the fight is getting interesting" commented Nikki

"What do you wanna see, darling, what interest this has ?"asked John, who was not in favour of fighting outside the ring, was a man of calm tones in his personal life.

"Where is it going to end, my love, that's what we're going to see," Nikki told him and she wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him while he passed his hand on her back and finally retreated and looked at the fight

"Do you really think you are invincible, Seth?" Finn asked with insolence.

"Of course. no one can stop me," he replied he always overestimating his powers.

"And I tell you I'm winning you for fun," he snapped back and made Seth furious.

"If you are both so sure of yourselves why not make it more interesting?"Seth asked, and smiled at the idea he had just had..

"And how will this become more interesting in your opinion?? "Becky asked him ironically.

"With a mix tagged team much..You two, against me and Mandy, " he replied.. he smiled and waited for the refusal..

"If that's what you want, Seth Freakin Rollins, to prove to you that I can beat you and this slut, then challenge accepted," answered Becky, smiling briskly, and stopping his attitude//

"So you'll accept your first fight to be this?" he asked him, unable to believe it, he couldn't hide the surprise, and the smile of irony that was up until a few seconds adorned his face was gone..

"Yes.. I accept to play in a mix tag team, " she replied confidently and her brow raised..

"And who will it be the one he will rival me?" he asked, and cast a glance at the boys in the company.

"I'll go out with her in the ring.." Finn answered, and some whoops of admiration were heard.. Mainly from the women that surrounded the backstage, since Finn was undeniably a very charming man, other equally a good athlete, and this will give further prestige to the march

"Oh come on, we're sick of seeing Seth beat you," Mandy told him irritably.

"Then I think it's time to look at the other side of the coin.." he replied, raising his eyebrows.

"Next week, then, me and Finn will beat you and the sofa puppy you're dragging along with you," answered Becky with insolence .. Seth was furious when she called him so easily sofa puppy, but there was nothing he could do.. he couldn't hit a woman..

"I'm looking forward to showing you and your arrogance and the fool you're going to fight with that no one messing with me and my girlfriend" he replied, clenching his fists..

The truth was that no one expected things to come to an off-schedule tag team Match and even with these Protestants.. on one side Becky and Finn and on the other side Seth and Mandy.. The two women seemed not to get along..

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