Cooperation failed

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The clock showed 5pm in an hour she has an appointment with Seth at the hotel where Nikki had decided to take place her wedding reception.They had to help her with the food.. and they were both pretty good at that.. Maryse used to say that if Becky had not been a wrestler she should certainly have become a chef.. When she entered the kitchen she did miracles.. She got out of bed and started getting ready.. She put on her leather leggings , a blouse, caught her hair on a ponytail,put on her high heel boots, packed her bag, and started for the hotel..

He was getting ready at home; it had been two days since he had spoken to Mandy she said she was on a journey or some business.In fact, she was at Baron Corbin's house.. But it did not seem to bother him, and especially this, he wanted to devote himself to his training and to hel his friends with their wedding.. he was still quite vexed with her about the result of the match.. And that's exactly what Becky was going to remind him of all afternoon.. that it was she who in her debut after 4 years back in the ring, managed to humiliate him on his own, the plan wasn't that in the first place, the plan was for him to pin Finn and take the  win, but Becky had other plans.. Plans that displeased Seth but not the company.. He got up from the couch and started getting ready.. Black jeans, t shirt, hair on a  man ban, the keys for his car and he gone

The hotel was half an hour long.. she arrived early.. she was told that she had to wait a while, however she could have something to drink at the bar until the person in charge arrived..She asked for a glass of juice.. She noticed that in the large room there was a piano.. She asked if she could play , and the bartender nodded in the affirmative.. She sat down at the piano. She hasn't played in a while.Her fingers pressed the keys and she began to play a melody, in front of her was a microphone.. She hummed without perceiving that her voice was audible.. Deathly silence prevailed in the bar-room.. everybody heard her sing, but no one seemed disturbed by it.. She was singing one of her favorite songs.. Tonigt by reamon.. when she perceived that everybody was observing her she smiled and went on. She did not stop, she was use to perform in front of the crowed cause of acting.. He walked in and didn't even pass the receptionist.. the music led him straight to the bar.. He entered and stood.. He looked at her.. a smile escaped his lips unwittingly. He admired her. This woman could enchant the public no matter what she did... Whether she fought, played or sang, she had a way of bewitching everyone.. He smiled and drew nearer.. He stood opposite the piano and accompanied her from the bridge to the end of the song.. The crowd that stood there burst into applause..

There were not a few who rushed to ask for autographs and photos from both of them.. They responded to their duty until they were both alone.. they looked each other in the eye.

"I didn't know you played the piano," he said to her, and she smiled complacently.

"I haven't played the piano for many years, what do you think?Was I good?" she asked, almost smiling.

"  sucked.. both playing and singing, " he answered//He was lying . he was enchanted like everyone else, but he wouldn't admit it.

"Then why did you come to sing with me?"oh!" she asked  while the smile had faded from her lips.

"To save it, and the song, and the world,"he  answered , and she puffed furiously.

"I didn't see the people to have any problem with my playing or singing " she replied.

"You were committed to execution," he answered.

"If I remember well you were a fan of me back then" she said. he went to answer her but did not have time, they  interrupted by the manager

"Good evening, are you the ones who have come to help miss Bella with the preparations for the wedding dinner?"kindly asked the manager

"Yes, sir..Rebecca Quin, " she smiled.

"Colby Lopez," he answered.

"I am very glad.. "please come over here and let me show you what we have prepared," he said to them, and they followed.

They found themselves in a large room apparently where the wedding table was to be held.

"This is the event room of our hotel.. do you want any particular way to be adorned?"he asked.

"Yes, something simple and romantic, and the tables are comfortable so people can dance," answered Becky.

"Mmm-hmm," the manager noted..

"And perhaps some flowers at the entrance," said Seth.

"Very good. shall we proceed to the menu?"he asked and they nodded in the affirmative the chef's team started bringing them different dishes and they tried but they didn't agree anywhere..

"Meat," Becky insisted.

"Fish," Seth insisted.

"We're not at a funeral to serve fish," Becky told him.

"I'll bring the fish sauce to your head if you keep doing this," he told her.

"Make a joke of it, and I'll put you in disarmher now, and I won't leave you," she said nervously.

"You won't do anything" he said to her.

"I'll kill you; I'll bring you the platter with the meat on your  head," she said.

"Please calm down a little.. you have a few days to think about what to do with the food.'

"No, no, he won't! decided alone what food they will have on this marriage " she looked at him nervously.

"You won't decided it alone either," he told her.

"Perhaps it would be better to consult the couple and have the food to their liking?"he asked them, and they looked at each other .

"Oh, yes.. I think that's the best of all, " Becky said.

"Yes, we ought to ask them," agreed Seth.

"Very well consult them as to what they want, and we will make an appointment again for Friday at noon to try what else we have and give us your opinion.. and we will see the wine and Champagne cellar, too, " he told them, and they nodded in the affirmative..

Their appointment with those who were responsible for the wedding table was complete failure.. they had once more succeeded in quarrelling in order not to show what was really going on.. that there was an irresistible attraction between them..

What you believe is goin to happen outside the hotel room? If this gets more than 6 votes and 6 likes i will update again today!

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