Nikki's Wedding

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Nikki's and John's wedding day had already arrived.. The girls had spent the evening at Nikki's house.They had celebrated her bachelor party by laughing and drinking and chatting.. Their evening had been splendidly spent. The next morning they rose and set out to prepare for Nikki's wedding.. They drank their coffee, ate their breakfast and slowly began to prepare, bath, creams and beauty masks, hair nails.. Everything they had to do to shine.. So they had made Becky forget all that happened with Seth lately.

On the other hand, the boys had passed John's bachelor at Dean's and Paige's house.. alcohol, porn movies and chat. Since that night when Seth had talked about how he feel about Becky to Roman they had never spoke again about it .. Roman tried to have a word with him but Seth stopped him when he told him he had a girlfriend and he wasn't planning on breaking up with her. The day passed quickly for all..

Late in the afternoon everyone was gathered where the wedding was to take place.. Roman accompanied Alexa, Dean accompanied his wife, Seth accompanied Mandy, Miz accompanied Maryse.. Becky soon arrived.. Drew accompanied her.. The moment Seth saw her he was dazzled.. It was a beautiful day in the satin dress she wore.. He approached Roman and pulled him aside..

Becky's Dress

"What's she doing with Drew?"he asked nervously

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"What's she doing with Drew?"he asked nervously.

"He's accompanying her tonight," Roman replied.

"Did you knew about it?"he asked.

"Yes, I knew it," answered Roman..

"And why didn't you tell me anything?"he asked more nervously.

"I tried, but as many times as I was abouut to talk to you about Becky you interrupted me, and so I gave up all attempt," answered Roman, and Seth clenched his fists.

"I can't see her with him," she said nervously.

"Then you know what to do.. break up with Maddy, get Becky take your car and go to a hotel and have a little sex," answered Roman, and Seth looked at him.

"You know that can't be done, Roman."Seth answered .

"What I know is that you are afraid, but that way you will never live happy," answered Roman, and went away to find Alexa..

Seth remained for some minutes alone to think, when he turned and found Becky talking to John.. he knew that this would make Mandy angry, but he drew nearer towards them.

"What are you talking about here?" he asked, smiling.

"Here I am trying to calm him a little; he is nervous," answered Becky, smiling.

"You look very pretty today," he said to her with a sweet smile.

"Thank you," she answered, and her cheeks turned red.

"And now kissed her already " said John, and they looked at him.

"What are you talking about, John?" said Becky perplexedly.

"What you both want but you don't dare it, but since sooner or later you'll end up in a bed having sex why don't you do it now?"he asked and looked at them .

"Very funny, I have to remind you that I'm having an affair," Seth told him.

"And I'm here with Drew," answered Becky, and they tried to avoid any further conversation..

Fortunately for them, honks were heard. A few minutes later Brie and Daniel were escorting Nikki to give her to John.. He smiled, gave her the flowers, kissed her, and they entered the church for the sacrament.. The atmosphere for everyone was touching..

Nikki's Wedding dress

Then followed the wedding party at the hotel

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Then followed the wedding party at the hotel.. Everything was perfect. The food, the cake, the drinks..Becky and Seth had done a good job, just like everybody else.. After she ate and danced one or two dances with Drew she felt the atmosphere choking her for some reason.. she took her glass of champagne and went out for a moment.. Seth noticed this, and discreetly followed her.. She sat looking up at the sky, he approached her.. He stood right behind her.

"What are you thinking of?"he asked in a low voice.

"Nothing," she answered softly.

"Rebecca," he said, and she turned round and looked at him.

"Colby, please, it's hard enough already," she answered. for the first time in all these years she called him by his name

"Rebecca, what's the matter? are you ready to cry?" he asked anxiously.

"It's a lot of Colby.. it's been a lot since I saw you last," she answered, and took a sip of her champagne.

"From the other day?"he asked, and made her laugh .

"Not since.. since that night we said Goodbye, backl then in Iowa.. that day in the airport" she answered, and finished her drink.

"You've changed, a lot" he told her.

"I had to change.. you've changed, too.. And this between us must stop, " she said, and he nodded

"I know.. I know, but sometimes it's not easy, " he replied.

"It's too easy.. you're with Maddy, and I don't want to get involved with her again.. I've been through enough because of her.. "she answered gravely .

"And what are you going to do?"he asked her.

"I'll give Drew a chance," she answered.. he turned and looked behind him; he saw no one.. he put his hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him..

His lips touched softly hers and he kissed her.. this time the kiss was sweeter, more tender, passionate, but full of emotion. Feelings they both knew must be buried deep within them..The kiss lasted a few minutes. She backed away..

"That was the last one," she said to him in a whisper.

"The last one," he agreed.. first she returned to the reception, and after a few minutes he followed her.

They knew they couldn't be together, not while he was with Mandy. perhaps if he broke up with her they would have a chance, but Becky because of her  was in a great deal of pain, and she didn't want to hurt any more. She had decide to give Drew a chance even though she didn't really want him. And he had made up his mind to keep his word with Mandy. What no one knew was that their lives would turn upside down a few weeks later on the night of Wrestlemania.

I know the chapter is very small.. The good news? You are 2 chapters before what you want!!! Soo stay tuned for more.Until the next chapter? Kisses! If you liked this one vote and comment!

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