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Two weeks later Becky had returned to Colby's house. Things between them were gettin better and better day by day ..They were planning their wedding while he was becoming more protective of her now that she is pregnant.. He had asked Stephanie to take a few days off so he could stay with her and look after her..

He got up early in the morning, looked beside him, and she was asleep.. a few locks of her hair in her face. He looked at her and smiled. He made a movement to get out of bed, but she held him down..And she crawled closer to him, hugging him.

"Don't go yet," she murmured in her sleep.

"Shall I not go and make breakfast?" he asked her in a low voice:

"No, stay here with me," she murmured, and passed her foot over his so that he could not rise.. he laughed and hugged her, stroking her hair..

She resumed her sleep.. He looked at the ceiling and thought.. He was thinking how happy he was to have at last in his arms the woman he loved..And he would do everything not to lose her. It was about half past 11 when Becky opened her eyes. he looked at her.

"Good Morning, Sleepyhead," he smiled sweetly at her.

"Mmmm Good Morning.. I kept you in bed, didn't I? " she asked, and rubbed her eyes.

"Mmmm, I didn't have a bad time.."he laughed.

"I just wanted hugs," she smiled, and took her foot out of his.

"Hungry?"he asked her, leaning on his elbow.

"Enough" she touched the stomach

"Shall I go and make breakfast?"he asked, and she nodded.. He got up and put on his slippers.. He open the door..

"Colby," she said to him in a playful voice.

"Baby," he smiled.

"Can you bring breakfast in bed? I'm a little lazy today," she smiled sweetly.

"I can," he shook his head, laughing as he left the room..

He went down to prepare breakfast, and she sat in bed..She waited several minutes and he was late.He got up lazily and headed first to the bathroom. She washed her face, and then went down into the living room.. She sat down on the sofa and waited when she saw him come out of the kitchen holding the tray..

"Here you are?" he asked, with a smile on his lips.

"Yes, I finally decided to be lazy on the couch and not in bed" she smiled and he laughed and left the breakfast tray on the table in front of them..

"What is this?"she caught the Red Rose that was on the tray

"This is for you," he smiled, bending over and giving her a tender kiss on the cheek.. she caught him by the back of his neck and kissed him on the lips..

He rested his knee on the sofa and continued the kiss.. She lay back pulling him with her in a hot makeout session.. He rested his hands between her head and continued the kiss.. She gently raised her legs to his thighs, continuing the kiss. She caressed his bare back while her hands went down to the beginning of his pants.. he stepped back and stopped her.. she looked at him..

"What's the matter?"she asked complainingly .

"First we'll go to the doctor and see if we can do it and then we can try it" he smiled and she sulked

"Come now.. I won't get hurt," she complained, while her hands caressed his back.

"We don't know if anything happens to our baby," he said as he looked her in the eye.

"We will be careful," she answered, smiling tenderly..

"I know you want it, and I want it, but I don't want either of you to get hurt," he told her calmly while stroking her stomach. she smiled at him.

"Lopes, I hate you for what you're doing," she said, hitting him on the chest.

"What Have I done?"he asked, laughing.

"Nothing, you're just cute," she smiled at him. he sat down on the sofa and drew her up cautiously.. he gave her the glass of juice.

"Drink your juice, you need vitamins," he smiled, and she took the glass of juice..

They finished with their breakfast. He was washing the dishes in the kitchen while she picked up one of the magazines that were on the table.. They had already started planning their wedding. They wanted to do it before her abdomen showed up too much, and before she gave birth. She looked at wedding dresses and noted which ones she liked.. The wedding was scheduled to take place in about two months so she was looking for wedding dresses for pregnant women.. He approached and sat down beside her..

"Are you looking at the wedding dresses?"he asked her, smiling.

"mm-hmm, but you can't see them," she smiled.

"Oh, Come on, Rebecca, really?"he asked her grimly.

"Yes, it's bad luck.. but we can pick out the rest of the stuff together, " she smiled, and handed him another magazine.. he left the magazine in front of him, took it in his hands and hers and looked at her.

"Are you too lazy to-day?"he asked her.

"Depends on what you want us to do," she blurted out.

"Instead of looking at magazines, let's go look for all this in the shops," he told her, and she rose immediately from the sofa.

"No, no, I'm not lazy at all," he laughed, and shook his head.

"All right, then, let's get dressed and go and see what we want for our wedding," he smiled, and got up, too.

They went back to their room to get ready.. He wore a pair of denim pants, a T-shirt, his sneakers and a hat.She donned a comfy jumpsuit and a pair of sandals.. She took her bag and they started for their walk. They got into the car and started off. Soon they were in a large store, They were looking at shop windows with wedding things. wedding Wreaths, wedding2 favors, invitations. Their marriage was to be simply with a few good friends and their families.. And that's what they would do. It took them quite a while but they had come up with everything. Later in the afternoon they sat down in a quiet restaurant to eat..

"Baby, What'2s wrong? you look troubled." he asked her..

"Yes, I am," she said, and looked at her uneasily.

"What the matter?"he asked her

'I think right after our wedding we should start preparing our child's room and I get nervous,' she told him.. he caught her hand and kissed it.

"Baby, don't worry.. one thing at a time, okay?" he said .

"I try but it's not easy.. "she replied

"Everything will be done you will see it, just relax and enjoy every moment of it" he smiled and she returned the smile

"Perhaps you are right.. maybe I should relax and enjoy it, " she told him at the end, and he nodded.

"Yes, that's what you ought to do," she smiled.

And she determined to follow his advice and enjoy as much as she could the preparations for her marriage.. Besides, she wasn't alone. He was by her side constantly and helped her with everything and always had unlimited help from her friends.

Sooo we are 2 chapters before the end of this book so you gonna decide if you want the two last chapters today or not.. Until then.. Enjoy the reading, vote and comment. Till next chapter kisses!

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