Deep Inside me I love you

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Night had fallen for good.. everyone was in their rooms or rather almost everyone because Roman and Alexa continued their walk.. they didn't want to leave each other, the chemistry between them was quite intense and it was too obvious. They were perfectly matched and the thing would soon move from the friendly to another level since the attraction between them was evident.. they had sat in a beautiful restaurant to eat, talking and laughing..

"You are very interesting, Alexa," Roman smiled kindly.

"So do you.. your life is really intense.. and i.. I admire you enough for your work, " she smiled a little shyly..

"That's very kind of you to say," he said, smiling.

"I won't lie to you.. one of your speeches gave me the motivation to start working to become a wrestler," she smiled, sipping a sip of her wine.

"Really?" he asked

"Of course.. I had come to see a fight with a friend and she was dragging me to a meet and greet to see Randy and I heard you tell some kids that it's nice to have dreams to chase them and make them come true no matter how hard it is" she looked him in the eye..

"And that gave you the incentive to start?"asked Roman

"Yeah.. in a way, you and Becks are my mentors.. her stubbornness.. she never gave up whatever happened to her,  and then you with everything you said.. that gave me the trigger to start something to love and be here," she smiled sweetly.. he felt proud of it..

"Let's drink to your start, then.. welcome to WWE Alexa " he smiled and raised his glass.. she lifted hers, too.. they raked and drank their wine..After some time they decided it was time to go back to the hotel..He accompanied her to his room and looked at her.. No, he certainly didn't want to let her go..

"Um.. Alexa, do you want to stay with me?It's  too bad to wake Becky up. she looked really tired.. I shall sleep on the sofa, of course, " he smiled.. her cheeks blushed, but she smiled.

"But on condition that none of us sleep on the sofa.. "she answered, and he agreed..

They entered Roman's room.. this would give them the opportunity to spend more time together to get to know each better.. At the same time few rooms down the hallway Maryse was hugging Mike and watching TV.. they were finally relaxing after sex.. Maryse looked thoughtful..

"What's the matter, baby?"Mike asked her.

'I don't know.. is just.. Mike, are we really living  this or this is a dream?" she smiled.

"Do you doubt it, baby? "he asked, laughing.

"Not it's just that. I never expected when I met you that we would end up together," she laughed, kissing his chest..

"Yeah but you see what happened in the end.. we are together"he raised his brow and looked at her.

"Yes, I saw.. and I hope our friends find love too. " she said, giggling.

"Talking  about Roman?"he asked.

"Yeap and for Seth and for Becky," she told him.

"Yes.. something has to be done to separate from Mandy before he knows the truth, today I barely got away and I didn't tell them what happened between Becky and Mandy I was cornered" he said while stroking her hair

"Whew.. I think they'll find happiness.. I think Roman is already interested in your new colleague, " she laughed.

"His eyes went out as soon as he saw her.. " he laughed.

"And Seth had his eyes on Becky too,"she smiled, and sat down on the bed with a sheet wrapped around her body

"And he's not the only one " he said.

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