The day after

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The next morning he woke up first.. He rested on his elbow and watched her sleep. She was confused in the sheets and her hair tangled on the pillow. He removed a tuft from her shoulder and looked at the tattoo she had there. The initials of his name. He passed his fingers gently over her smooth skin, over her tattoo and smiled. She was very beautiful and calm..

He lean in closer and began to kiss her gently on the shoulder.. she moved a little, and hid her face in the pillow without having yet awakened.. He went on while he put his lips to her neck and kissed her gently.. She stirred within the sheets turned and looked at him..

"Good Morning, Sleepyhead," he said to her, smiling.

"Good Morning, handsome," she smiled.

"Did you sleep well?"he asked her tenderly.

"I slept splendidly.. but you woke me up," she protested.

"I woke you up because it's already 11 o'clock," he laughed.

"really?"she grumbled.

"MMM.. has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are when you wake up in the morning?"he asked her, and she drew the sheets across her face.

"No, I'm not," she answered, under the sheet, and he drew the sheet and looked at her.

"You are very beautiful when you wake, and you are just as beautiful when youare asleep," she gave him a smile.

"How can you be so tender, you tell me?" she asked him

"Hmm I don't know maybe you're making my romantic " he laughed

"Colby, what shall we do?"she asked.

"The only thing we can do," she looked at him bewildered.

"And that means?"

"We'll live it, Rebecca.. we'll live it"

"Are you sure that's what you want?"she asked.

"I want it more than anything. I've been in love with you for years. Before we couldn't because I was with Mandy but now I'm not with her"

"Is that because you want to get over her? because really if it is..."

He interrupted her and crashed his lips upon hers in a passionate kiss.. He put his hand on the back of her neck and made the kiss deeper.. she entangled her fingers in his hair and continued The Kiss more intensely.. then she went back off to get some air..

"I am with you because I want to be with you, because I am in love with you, and not because I want to get over Maddy.. The attraction between us is evident and neither of us can stop it. And I'm tired of fighting with you. I don't want to fight with you anymore. I want to make love with you istead. I don't want us to end up kissing and then pretend that nothing happens.. I want to be able to kiss you without regret, to be able to spend time with you, to live what I have not lived with anyone else" he looked her deep in the eyes

"I want it, too.. you don't know how much I want to. and yes I can't deny that there is something between us" with her finger she pointed to the two of them

"So we can officially say we're together," he smiled.

"Yes," she murmured, and kissed him tenderly.

"And now let's get up and go get some breakfast," he said.

"Mmm, we're going to breakfast, but not just the two of us," she smiled and got up

"What do you mean, not the two of us?"he asked

"I promised Charlotte yesterday that I would drink coffee with her in the morning," she smiled.

"But Rebecca, This is our first morning as a couple," he protested.

"Yes, but haven;t seen  Charlotte several months now that shes lives in Mexico; I will see you everyday" she gave him a tender smile..

And so they bent.. He got up to get ready. Then they went from her room to dress herself. They went down to the receptionist to leave their keys. They were holding hands and they exchanged small kisses.. They left the keys and exchanged a tender kiss as they left.. this was something that did not go unnoticed by their friends who had seen everything.. And of course such a thing could not fail to be discussed at the breakfast which the rest were enjoying..

"You saw it too, so I didn't see it alone, right\?" Maryse asked.

"No, Maryse, we all saw it.. don't I tell you some of us heard it all," Paige said as she sipped her coffee.

"What do you mean you heard it?"Alexa asked, laughing .

"She means what you understand.. that all night we heard them having sex" Dean said, and burst into laughter.

"Dean, please don't, let the creepy details go away," Roman laughed.

"Well, I can't when I hear ridiculous questions," he took a sip of his coffee.

"May I ask something?"Mike said .

"Be careful what you gonna ask," Dean warned him.

"Are we sure these two are together?"he asked at last, and Dean gave him a slap on the neck .

"Why you hittin me moron?"Mike told him .

"I told you to be careful what you asked, and you asked this. it was not my fault.. you challenged me," Dean told him, and the others laughed.

"What more Did you want as proof to see that they were together? see them do in it?'"Alexa asked as she finished her croissant

"Iou. no, no, " Mike said.

"At last we will calm down because this situation has become very annoying" noted Roman

"Indeed," agreed Maryse..

"And the good thing is, they'll find the happiness they're looking for.."noted Paige

"Right let's not forget that one has been in each other's minds for almost 4 years," Roman added

"And she's very much in love with him," Maryse added.

"So is he.. and let's hope everything goes well," Mike said.

And on one point they were right.. they were in love very much in love but both were quite stubborn. And nobody backed out. And maybe that was the only problem in their relationship.. for the crisis would come in the next few months and there it would be seen how in love they were and how willing they were to keep their love alive..

I know the chapter is small but sometimes I don't know what to write I am trying my best. sorry if this is not a good one I tried my best! Lets see what happens then!

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