Meeting the manager!

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The next morning she opened her eyes.. She  lazily wake from her bed and looked at the hour.. It was approaching 9.. she began to think that she must slowly arrange pieces in her life.. Yes, she had finally gone back to work, but something was missing.. A manager.. and she had thought the  best on the business... She went into the bathroom washed her face with plenty of cold water washed her teeth and started getting ready.. She wore a pair of pants, a pair of black heels and a blouse.. she was lightly make up, took her bag and left the house.

She was driving for some time from excessive traffic.. She made a stop, took a couple of coffees and continued her way.. She found herself in front of a large building..She opened the door and asked for the office she looking for. The host told her where she could find what she was looking for..She advanced and found herself outside the door. She knocked and waited.. "Pass" heard from within.. she opened the door and entered the small office.. She looked at the woman who sat on her chair and smiled at her..

"Surprise!" exclaimed Becky, and the woman was bewildered..

"Oh, it.. you.. you are real, " she smiled..

"Yes, it's me, and I brought coffee, too," smiled Becky, leaving the coffee to her friend.. she got up and hugged her

"I can't believe you've come back.. I thought you were going to give up," the woman told her when she finally let her out of her arms and they sat down opposite each other.

"Then Paige you don't know me at all . I wouldn't just leave everything I love because some bitch tried to break me up.  " Becky  replied angrily.

"Oh, I can see the thirst for revenge in your shining eyes" said Paige.

"Hm revenge, vindication call it as you like but what Mandy Rose has done to me will pay very dearly" Becky answered and took a sip of her coffee

"Okay, but I bet you didn't come all the way to my office to surprise me, Did you?"Paige asked.. or rather.. fill in..

"No, I didn't come to surprise you, I could come to your house if it was, I know where you live," Becky agreed.

"Please tell me it's what I imagine," said Paige, looking at her with flashing eyes.. she was quite impatient.

"Well if you think that i want you as my manager then you are right... do you accept? Paige, will you be my manager?"Becky asked .

"Oh, hell yeah," Paige replied, smiling wide..

"I'm surprised Dean didn't tell me yesterday that you were back," Paige continued.

"I told him I wanted to surprise you, since yesterday you weren't there.. I came here myself today, " smiled Becky, and Paige laughed.

The two women shook hands.. and then they went to make their announcement to Stephanie and Hunter. Paige was a great athlete in the industry, but had decided to give up when she met and married Dean 4,5 years ago, it was her choice to abstain from the events within the ring to have more time with her husband.. she had become his manager.. but before retiring she had managed to win some titles. And of course the contract with the company never broke..

She had become Dean Ambrose's manager and she was proud of his victories, but often made speeches , she was doing great on the mic and now she had found another client.For her good fortune Dean and Becky belonged to the same brand and so for her it would have been easy to have them both under her supervision..

As pretty and good as she was as a friend, she was as strict as a manager.. It was a pretty strong choice for Becky.. it was one of the ways she had chosen to show that she had not just returned.. She came back to stay.. And she had chosen the best team for it.. With her representative Paige and her coach Finn could in a few weeks become invincible.. to get to the top and that's what she wanted and had chosen to make it clear to everyone..

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