Final Chapter

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1 year later...

Rebecca placed her son on his crib, which had fallen asleep in her arms. She covered him up carefully and stood watching him sleep.. In three months he would have his first birthday.. She was very happy.. Her life with Colby was like a fairy tale.. She could not believe that at last she had found happiness.. She went out of the room, slowly closing the door behind her. She entered their room.. Colby left the book he was reading while Rebecca climbed up on the bed and snuggled into his arms. He left a tender kiss on her head

"Did he sleep?"he asked her

"He slept.. and he looks like you, he's a mini Colby, " she smiled and put a kiss on his lips.

"And I want a Minnie Rebecca soon," he laughed.

"What's the matter, Lopez? jealous of our friends?"she asked, laughing.

"Mmm-hmm.. I want a little version of you," he laughed, and laid her on the bed kissing her.. she stopped him abruptly.

"You know, Lopez, maybe this time you'll be lucky and it'll be a girl.. you will have to be patience though for around two months, and if you are lucky you may, have your princess" she smiled, and he looked her in the eyes..

"Rebecca, are you pregnant?" he asked, and placed his hand on her bosom, while she nodded.

"2 months," she smiled.. he went down low on her stomach, leaving little kisses..

5 years later and they were just as in love as when they first met. They loved each other more and more day by day.. And they were always surrounded by people who loved them..

Alexa and Roman were planning their wedding in 3 months.. Their relationship had developed so far very well.. He proposed to her two months after Colby and Rebecca got married. But they had decided not to rush for the wedding.. They lived together and keep their engagement for a year..

Maryse and Mike came back married from their vacation in the Bahamas.. They had said nothing to anybody.. It was a madness of the moment but it was the most beautiful moment of their lives.. Of course in the renewal of their vows they had promised their friends to be all guests but this they had chosen to do after Maryse giving birth which was in the 6th month of her pregnancy..

Nikki and John lived in Las Vegas.. He was in business, and she was in home with their children.. They had a son and they had adopted a little girl.. She was a happy wife and mother..

Ashley and Manuel lived a peaceful life in Mexico.. They often visited their friends in Iowa, but their base was Mexico.. They wanted to raise their family..

Paige and Dean were finally living absolute happiness.. Paige had finally succeeded and had become a mother.. Her pregnancy was hard enough but Dean was by her side all the time. Her doctors had ruled out the possibility of having a second child but she didn't care.. she had at last the daughter she waited so longed for in her arms.. She had become a mother only a month before. And she sailed in a sea of happiness. So did Dean, who at last felt that happiness was magic

Barron found his master in the eyes of Lacey Evans.. A woman who managed to comfort him.. As for Mandy? Finn Balor had succeeded in changing her.. She had gone with him to Ireland, and was about to marry him. She had left her bad self behind and was trying to change for the man she had loved so much..

Rebecca and Colby were living perhaps the best moments of their lives. Their marriage for a year now flowed harmoniously. She stayed more at home while he had reduced his appearances in the ring..He had decided to open a wrestling school to Coach future wrestlers and slowly retire from active action while she had decided to give one last fight before deciding to devote herself to her family.. Now they were expecting a second child and things would get harder.. But they didn't care.. Their family was full of love and that counted for more than anything. They were together they were happy and in love.. And that's how they'd live their whole lives...

The end!

This story ended.. I have mixed emotions about it.. I know I have posted another brollins story before but this was my first one ever. I hope you enjoyed the story. Thank you for reading it. I know that many of you will be sad that this story came to an and But I promise you that soon another new story will come. Until then.. Follow Becky and Seth on my other stories


-Deep waters

-When I found you two

-Everything Changed


-One shots

Thanks every single one of that followed Rebecca and Colby on this story.. KISSES!

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