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The night had passed very hard for Becky.. it was the third night in a row that she had stayed awake with no appetite to eat.. Tonight she was in New York.. she had to fight another match in the ring.. but she didn't feel the strength to do it.. his attitude had disappointed her.. she had been away from their house for almost 5 days and he hadn't looked for her at all.. She was disappointed by all this but had to regroup for her match this evening.. She would not leave the title she had so laboriously won in the hands of any one..

She barely got out of bed and headed for the bathroom.. she undressed and went under the icy water.. For a moment she felt her body freeze.. her mind froze and there was a pause in her thoughts.. She was watching history repeat itself once more and now it was even more difficult for her to manage because this time she was more in love ever since.. She felt  with him that she had found absolute happiness, as she said.. and that distance made her heart ache..She came out of the water.. she looked a little better.. She advanced to the room to get ready to go.. from the little mini bar she drew a juice to take strength.. She felt quite weak.. she didn't even know if she'd find the courage to fight. She drank her juice and started to get ready..

Driving skeptically troubled, the song on the radio made things worse.. She felt in her whole body his absence.. and "Io e Te"  was one of those songs that she so adored .She parked her car and got out.. she picked up her bags and walked backstage.. There was already Paige, Dean, with Maryse, Miz and Seth.. Paige was startled at the sight of Becky..She approached to greet her friends.. she gave him a furtive glance, but he pretended he didn't see her

"Wowww.. when you told me on the phone that you were bad, I didn't expect you to mean it," Paige told her.

"I'm all right.. it is only from the headache that my head is breaking," she answered, in a low voice.

"Have you seen your face? you're pale, Becky, " Paige scolded her affectionately.

"I'm all right.. I'll be fine. don't worry.I just feel a little tired."she answered, searching with the edge of her eye for his glance but it was in vain.

"Come on, let's go to the women's locker  room," advised Maryse, who looked at Seth with a wild look.

The girls entered the dressing-room, and Becky looked at her in dismay.. Her countenance was pale and her eyes red from tears.. she looked very tired. Her friends were trying to support her, to cheer her up.. they were on  her side..

"You want me to tell them you can't go out tonight? that you're not feeling well?"Paige asked her

"No, no, Paige, I'm not going to mix up my personal affairs with my work," she answered, and looked at Maryse.

"I'll make you look radiant but you look tired and pale," Maryse told her.

"I haven't eaten in two days.. there's nothing going down, " she murmured.

"How are you going to wrestle like this?"asked Paige

"As I would have done at any other time of my career," she answered a little more confidently.

"If they realize you're not well, they'll step on your weakness, you know that," Maryse told her.

"No one will ever step on my weakness.. I'm not gonna let Sasha  take my title, and you know it. I will not let my break up affect me so much, " she answered, and began to feel more secure.

Paige and Maryse smiled and started to get her ready while Mike and Roman were vainly trying to convince Seth fix their relationship

"Didn't you feel sorry for her at all when you saw who she was?"Mike asked him.

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