First time!

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Seth looked at her, hugging her arms..

"Are you cold?"he asked her

"Just a little," she answered, and he took off his jacket he was wearing and handed it to her.

"Here  this will keep you warm," he answered and smiled at her.

"Thank you," she took the jacket and threw it over her shoulders..

"Shall I tell you something?"he asked, and she looked at him .

"Of course," said she, smiling.

"When you smile you are very pretty.. even when you look tired as you do now," he smiled at her with his sweetest smile.

"thank you.. and you are handsome when you smile " she retorted..

They went on drinking and discussing various things when she got to go to her room.. she took her shoes in her hand and they entered his room.. he escorted her to the door, and before opening it looked at her.. They had been drinking..enough to be freer but not enough to not know what they're doing.. he open the door for her to leave.. his hand was wrapped around her arm.

"Rebecca," he said to her, and his voice was deeper.. she turned and faced him.

"Yes?"she asked, and felt her body shudder.. he looked at her in a different way..

"Don't go away tonight," he looked her in the eyes.. she looked at him, too.

She could not answer him.. she had no words.. she felt her breath cut suddenly. his look was disarming.. She felt cold at her feet.. he pushed the door to close.. And then with his body he pushed her against the door.. her breath began to grow slower, sharper. He looked at her intently, lifted her eyes and looked at him. His lips were at a breathing distance from hers.she took a little step and stuck her body on top of him..He searched her lips.. This time she didn't try to stop him like she did last time. On the contrary. She continued the kiss as eagerly as she could. His arms were wrapped around her waist and hers around his neck..The kiss deepened.. it became sweeter and at the same time more passionate.With a movement he lifted her in his arms,and her legs were wrapped low in his waist, the curve of her buttocks pressed against his erected crotch , something that made him groan in the kiss..he hardly knew how he had managed to cross the short distance from the door to his bed without laying her on the floor and making her, his on the floor.  Every step seemed torture to him.He laid her on the bed and fell on the top of her without breaking the passionate kiss they exchanged..

She closed her eyes, trying to enjoy every moment. His lips left hers with difficulty and were directed slowly to the curve of her neck.. He took a deep breath, inhaling her perfume.. that light scent that could drive him even more crazy.. The sensation of his lips on her neck make her goosebumps and a little moan escape her lips..He smiled down her neck, biting her gently. his beardy were only troublesome she could not find them at the given moment.. The excitement was evident in her face.. her hands went up to his shirt, and she drew it up to take it off.. He looked her in the eyes and smiled at her while in his turn he took off her shirt..His fingers slowly caressed her body; her complexion was soft as silk.. His lips carved a path from her neck to her breast, kissing her slowly to the skin that didn't cover her bra. She felt the shudder in her body, her skin burning with desire..The blood in her veins was boiling.. she felt like she was going to explode..

His hands freed her from her leggings that seemed to choke her.. He carved an upward path with his fingertips from her calves to her thighs, on the inside of her thighs and then slowly raised them on her back by loosening her bra that she felt to contain her.. she let on a little smile as she enjoyed his movements. His lips moved slowly to the parting of her breast, kissing her gently.. A sigh escaped at last from her lips that struggled in vain to hold.. she felt his smile on her skin as he raised his lips to her breast, kissing it slowly.. his breath made her tremble.. his lips kissed her breast greedily. She laid her head slowly on the cushions while she felt her nipples rising irritably.. she could understand his smile when he understood where he had brought her. and that's exactly what he was willing to take advantage of.. his lips closed round her nipple, biting her soft make herto strike her hands lightly against the sheets.. he knew how to make her mad with desire.. he had no intention of stopping a moment..his torment.. a breath of relief came from her lips when he ceased torturing her, but it did not last long.. his tongue passed slowly over the other nipple offering her a wave of pleasure.. She was biting her lips in order not to scream from impatience.. Her eyes opened for a moment and he looked at her while his tongue licked her nipple.. she could see his little smile that made her suffer and angry; but the anger could not last long, the desire she felt for him prevailed.. and everything in her betrayed that. her eyes, the expression of her face, the way her body responded to his caresses, to his touch..She felt his erection press upon her.. she smiled..

With the utmost effort she was able to relieve him of his pants and his boxers before she surrendered completely to him. His lips left her breast in a path from wet kisses to her belly.. she was ipatient, and he made it a real torture.Her fingers tightened on the sheets.. She could feel his breath over her lace underwear; he slowly lowered it and flung it into the room. His breath made her stretch her body like a bow..His lips were leaving little kisses in her sensitive era. She clutched the sheets vigorously and bit her lips with more force lest she should scream that she wanted him inside her at that moment.. she bit them so hard she could taste very little blood.. His hands caressed her whole body..with careful movements leaving several little red streaks from his fingers..A shiver pierced her as his tongue slowly pressed against her clit, and if he had not kept her almost still she would have thrown herself out of bed, thrown back her head, moaning his name as hard as she could; she could not restrain her voices any longer.

She felt the oxygen run out in her lungs from the heat she was in and vainly tried to struggle for a breath.. while his lips were there.. and he knew very well how to satisfy her. how to make her lose her thought, her reason, her breath, and make her surrender herself to his hands without making any resistance.. Her fingers got entangled in his hair in an attempt to stop him, but all she could do was to make him more insistent.. And she trembled uncontrollably. When at last her agony ceased she drew a sharp breath.. his lips had taken an upward course leaving marks on her body from his kisses.. He found her lips in a kiss deep and passionate.. intense.. demanding possession she struggled to prevail but it was pointless

He raised her hands above her head and looked into each other's eyes.. Desire.. that was all it seemed.. An overpowering desire to know each other's bodies to be left to the passion that had overwhelmed them.. he licked his lips slowly as she bit hers before they found themselves again kissing.. he held her hands above her head, and that made her shiver even more.. he could feel her skin under his burning.. If the waiting continued, the blood in their veins would set them on fire..He thrust himself into her with her breaking the kiss to cry out, while her fingers gripped his with force.. one could see in her face the relief she felt..She wanted him desperately, and now she could not hide it not anymore.. she could scarcely release her arms from his and embrace him..their bodies matched perfectly as if they were made for each other.. her hands caressed his well-buff back slowly, while in each deeper thrust  she left little scratches or clasped her fingers in his arms and back.. But she wasn't the only one crazy.. the attraction she exercised over him was overpowering, and grew more intense every day that passed, and the desire to have her his own. When the kiss broke they looked at each other for some seconds and she saw in his eyes something she had never seen in him before.. his eyes shining with desire for her. He quickened his thrusts, and his breath grow heavier.. an informal struggle had begun between them for which of the two would prevail and drive the other more mad; but they knew who would be the winner and who the loser.. all their bodies bore witness.. her legs tightened around his waist while his lips once more lost the curve of her neck leaving a hickey. she was kissing  his neck and biting his shoulder when he became more possessive with her, in an attempt to drown out another loud moan... And his intense movements now became slower, making her mad; but he, too, was mad.. move slower.. synchronized entirely by both with the same possessiveness, the same passion.. In a few minutes he had brought her into a world where it was just the two of them and nothing else.. a world full of desire and pleasure.. passion.. they were both completely surrendered to the heat of the erotic fever, the sheets were on fire.. Her fingers gripped his back with strength as she reached the climax shouting his name.. He gave himself up, too, and he cum right after her. He fell upon her breast, breathless, and as she struggled to take breath.. A few minutes passed before they recovered to some extent their breaths..he lay down beside her.. then she opened her eyes and looked at him.. they looked each other deep in the eyes.. a little smile formed on the edge of her lips the same smile that he had.. and then they realized one thing.. their looks testified that what held them, whatever it was, was absolutely unique and powerfull

That night they weren't Becky and Seth that night they were.. Rebecca and Colby.. that night she wasn't " The man; " that night she was a woman who had surrendered herself to the man she had so long desired.. that night he was not  the "Beast Slayer" that night he was a man who had managed to make his own the woman he had been thinking about for so long.. The woman who four years ago had made him feel as strong as ever.. The woman he never forgot.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Lets see what the next day have for them though..Because the will finally be together but for how long? If you liked it comment and vote. The song is the one i use to write this one! Until the next chapter? Kisses!

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