Comforting eachother

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The great event of Wrestlemania had just ended.. Seth had he managed to win the title of Universal Champion and she the raw Women's champion.. Her face glowed with happiness. and her eyes were tearful with joy.. Behind the scenes, it was a mess.. Her friends were hugging her.. Alexa Paige Maryse,Dean, Roman Mike.. She had made them all very proud.. And now she was herself proud of her achievement.. She had accomplished something. too big..And she still couldn't believe it. Her eyes shine with happiness and her smile was the most beautiful which she had..

Suddenly there was  noise.. They all ran together and stood outside Seth's dressing room door.. No one was talking. They were just listening the fight...

"Are you fuck with him?.. Tell me the fucking truth before I'll go completely crazy " Seth was screaming with anger

"Didn't I just tell you that Mandy and I are in a relationship for 4,5 years? what the devil didn't you hear, Seth?" replied  Baron with impudence..Seth looked at Mandy.

"Answer me, is he telling the truth? Talk Mandy talk before I go crazy" he asked, and struck his hand with force upon the table that it was in front of him.

"Oh, yes, yes, I am,screwing  with him.. what are you gonna do about it? and you know why?because he, unlike you, is a man.. you're a fool. The kind that no woman, not even Becky, could have. satisfaction that he has come out with moderation.. So you thought you'd that I wasting myself on you? because you're at the top I cast my eyes on you.. Baron is a real man,  I honestly don't even know why I was with you." she answered him in a cynical way.. that made him furious.. he didn't know. if he was angry about the way she had spoken to him or if he was angry because he didn't realize he was a victim of her

"Get out of here and I don't want to see you again.. Get out of here before I lose my temper and stop think that I don't hit women and beat you to death! " , he threw a chair with force..

Mandy and Corbin came out of the locker room.. Her eyes they met his.. she felt a shiver all over her body.. she felt pain.. It had been four years since then and he was still hurting her.. even if she wasn't showing it.. her eyes narrowed and she looked at him.. She looked at him with hate with disgust.. she couldn't even describe how she felt.. She drew her gaze away from his, and she continued the conversation with her friends while he looked at her for just a few more seconds..

It had been quite an hour and everybody had left the place the even happend The only ones left behind were Seth. who was still in the men's locker room trying to digested everything he had learned, and Becky picking up her things and until the last moment she was handing out autographs and taking out photos with the crowed She was wearing her sneakers her leggins and her top.. she had her bag on her back and she was ready to leave.. When she saw him sitting alone in the locker room she approached and left her bag..

"Congratulations for tonight," she said in a calm tone she didn't want to start a figth with him again

"Yes, I thank you,  yoo too," he answered .. while he didn't even raised his head to see her.

"You look like shit," she told him, trying to tease him.

"Yes.. thank you very much, " he replied.. she placed he hand on his shoulder

"Seth.."she tried to tell him.. he raised his head wild

"What do you want, Becky?" he asked.. first time he could seen thus.. Seth Rollins who was otherwise strong and tough now, was different.. it seemed tired he ached.. and as wildly as he had spoken to her she didn't want to fight again with him nor to stay away from him. At that moment it was Colby whom she had loved with so much affection and passion years ago.. The Colby she still loving

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