The decision

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Paige was trying in vain to get Becky to change her mind. she was adamant .. she was decided to do the abortion  and not speak to anyone about it; Seth would never know the truth, and she would go on living her life and wrestling like this never happen.Or at least that's what she wanted to think.. They had already reached the next destination for the next show.. Italy.. Vienna.. Paige was walking with Becky into the lobby of the hotel where Seth and Mike were waiting for their room keys.. when they heard them fighting.

"Please, Becky, don't do that.. it's crazy.. think it over, " she begged her once more, but she seemed unimpressed.

"I told you I had nothing more to think of, Paige; I have made my choice.. next trip, I won't be in the event.. I'll have to go and get it over with it" she answered, persuasively.

"Please, Becky.. you can't do that, " she insisted.

"I've been thinking about it ever since I found out.. there's no other solution, " She Persisted.

"You're gonna regret it and you know it," Paige told her, and she was right.

"Whatever decision I make I shall regret it.. I will take the least pains for my soul," she answered, and she asked  the key of her room, while Seth seemed really indifferent for the fact that she stood behind him

The fact that she was waiting for the key gave Paige the opportunity to drop a folder into her suitcase.. she close Becky's suitcase and waited patiently for hert to help her with her things.. Becky took the key and assisted Paige and her things.. Seth looked at her with the corner of his eye  going on the elevator.. it troubled him to know what it was that she should do, but that time was not far off..

She went into her room.. Paige let her rest and calm down.. She went to find Dean in their room. She went in, closing the door behind her..She fell on the bed and stroked her stomach.

"I know I mustn't, and I shall miss you very much, but I have no choice..  " she murmured, stroking her stomach fondly..

Three days she knew and three days she talked to the baby like  it can listen to her.. she was thinking if it was a boy or a girl, to whom it would look like,  how she would be as a mother, if she had told Seth if he would be happy.. But it was all in her mind. She sigh.. she rose and opened her case.. She looked at the white envelope and took it in her hands.. She saw her name on the outside.. She opened the papers and found the ultrasound and a dvd.. she put the DVD on and she was looking the television.She could see the baby.. it was still small, and the body, the head, arms and legs had been formed it was so little at this period of time.. She turn up the sound.. The control fell from her hands on the floor.. that Tic Tac made her stomach tighten instantly and her hands mechanically hugged her abdomen .. She heard for the first time the heart of her child.. she had asked on the ultrasound not to listen.. but now she was listening.. it sounded crystal clear.. and that heart beat made her vulnerable.. her eyes began to fill with tears.. the picture, the sound, all made her see things differently.. She turned off the dvd and sat down on the bed.. She thought for hours.. she weighed things in her mind over and over again.. And finally she had made her decision.. At 6 o'clock she was in the women's locker room and dressing..Paige looked at her in dismay.. She couldn't believe she was going to wrestle and risk her own life and her child just like that..

She wore her attire and wait for the announcement of her match waiting on the backstage with the rest of her friends.. It  started playing her song.. she took a deep breath and went out..

She crossed the corridor and climbed into the ring.. she showed her belt as always.. and she stood. Her opponent's song started to play and she made her appearance from behind the scenes.. Carmella advanced and entered the ring.. the referee was about to ask for bell to ring when Becky asked for the microphone.. that surprised everyone both out in the world and backstage where they could see it all from the cameras.. people started protesting..

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