After the match!

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Backstage there was a buzz of applause for Becky's potential comeback in the ring.. Her smile was brighter than ever.. The contempt in Paige's gaze sufficed.. Friends and acquaintances offered congratulations on the outcome of the match..but Mandy and Seth were not happy about it..He had succeeded in losing in his mother town , and that made him a rag..

"Congratulations Becky .you tore up there, " smiled Drew, and hugged her.. she returned the hug and smiled proudly

"Thank you.. I guess this was my night," she smiled in a sweet way.

"It was, and we are all very proud of came back strong and that's what it looked like, " he told her, and he smiled.. It was very hard to see this man smiling almost unintelligible, but Becky could manage it.

"Thank you.. I beg your pardon, but I must change," she said kindly, and he stepped aside to pass, but Paige and Dean stopped her.

"I'M so proud of you little redhead," smiled Paige, and hugged her tightly, caressing her back..

"Oh, Paige, thank you.. I hope I've made you a little proud," she smiled, relaxing her embrace.

"Are you kidding? I'm the most proud manager in the world.. you did great up there, " Paige smiled.

"We all admired you tonight, Becky, some more, some little less, but we all admired you," Dean told her, giving her a quick hug and then passing his hand on Paige's shoulders.

"Thank you guys it's important to hear this from you" she smiled modestly though she wanted to scream for joy

"Shall we wait for you to go  at the hotel?'asked Dean

"No, no, I'll come alone; I want to stay for a while," she murmured, and they agreed..

"We'll see you tomorrow then," Paige smiled.

"Mmmm Yeah because tomorrow in Orlando starts running again for Nikki's wedding" noted Becky

"That's right," laughed Paige.. they left Becky and started with Dean for the hotel.. Just before the locker rooms was Miz with Maryse who embraced her at the same time tightly.

"Bravo!" cried Mike, and she laughed.

"I can't breath with this hug!" she laughed, and hugged them.

"Mmmm, you killed her tonight, little girl, I'm too proud of you," said Maryse, patting her on the back.

"We all are," Miz told her and playfully patted her on the head and she laughed.

"I've heard that many times tonight,.. thank you from the bottom of my heart.." she said joyfully

"But we don't have to tell anything that's a lie, Becky," Mike told her, and she smiled wide.

"I know.. it was a big moment for me," she told them and took a deep breath

"And more are coming," smiled Maryse.

"Mmm yes, there are more coming and I'm really ready for them," she said.

"Well, let her change, though, and we'll go to the hotel and find the others," grinned Mike, and Maryse nodded in the affirmative...

She advanced slowly toward the women's locker room.. Voices and panic from inside..she stood for a moment listening to the altercation.. it was Mandy and Seth arguing about the result of tonight's match

"Couldn't you do anything to stop her, Mandy?"he sounded really angry.

"And what did you want me to do, Seth?"she asked him.

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