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Things for Seth in his hotel room were difficult, Mandy was in hysterics and they were arguing once again

"You let her slap me and humiliate me in front of all the world what kind of a man Are you, Seth?"she asked furiously; he was trying to keep his temper, but it was not so easy.

"You started, Mandy, what the hell is the matter with you two.. it's not just that you took her out of the ring," he told her fiercely.

"Don'T change subject, ROLLINS," she said, screaming almost hysterically.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP"  he replied, striking his hand on the table with force.. this made her startled and take a step back. while he was breathing so he could calm down..

"You let her humiliate me, that I will not forgive you, and take care that we will the ones who will this thinh Monday night" she replied furiously.

"I wouldn't hit a woman Mandy, you could hit her back, and I don't fight alone on Monday you fight too, we don't know if the fight will start with us men or with you women," he replied, breathing harder.

"Will you start and finish him before I get into the ring do you understand?" she demanded, while she was fixing her nails with a nail file.

"It's not just up to me, and you know it," he replied.

"I don't care about the fight.. but what kind of a man are you, they beat up his fiancee in his own shop and does nothing? how chicken are you, Seth? so what does it take to be a man start cheating you? she asked him he wasn't far from losing his temper.

"If that's what you want, Mandy then do it... tomorrow be at training at nine o'clock; I will stay at home, and I don't want you to disturb me," he replied , taking his keys and hurriedly leaving her room, slamming the door behind him..

"Yes, I had to run after you," she murmured as he went away..

She got up she took her phone from the bedside table and typed a number she waited for a few minutes and then a manly voice was heard

"Say it," said Baron from the other line.

"Tonight I"ll be alone in the room.. be here at 9: 00? " she demanded.

"Where will your clown be?"queried he suspiciously.

"We fight, and he will stay at his home tonight. don't be late, " she commanded him.

"At eight o'clock I'll be in your room," he replied the call was over

At the same time that Mandy was arranging her appointment with Baron, Seth was walking towards his favorite place.. He loved the place he had grown up in.. and although he and Mandy had been together quite a year in many parts of his town he had not taken her as to this very special place for him.. He took off his jacket and held it in his hand.. he untied his watch and looked at his wrist.. 'R.Q " was written in calligraphic letters.. He smiled.. He went into the woods and took a deep breath..the nerves were as if they had gone out of him when he found himself there.. He walked.. and he stooped.. He looked at her sitting there.. Everywhere he would have known her.. her hair was her trademark.. He advanced a little nearer to her and rested his back against a tree opposite her.. She had not perceived him.. He was staring into the void, listening to music, and paying no attention to anything but the waters falling from the waterfall..

This gave him an opportunity to observe her for a while; she wasn't wear much make up something light... She was beautiful.Her thoroughly dishevelled look, he adored it.. she was a very charming woman..This he could not deny.. For some reason she reminded him of her.. Her smiled, her expression was calm almost melancholy.. He noticed the coffee-glass and smiled a little more.. He was sure that Maryse had come for Becky's coffee.. Her fingers hastily wiped away a tear that ran down her cheeks.. that's when he spoke to her..

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