First Meeting : Chapter 1

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It was about 11 am. The sun was shining with a dim aura hiding behind the gigantic soft white clouds. The Gusu Lan University basketball court was crowded with most of the students of the university.

A young man of age around 23 years, wearing a white t-shirt was playing basketball gallantly. His sharp eyes were glued to the ball while his hands and legs tactfully snatching the ball from the opponent and shooting the ball in the defender's hoop. That man was an expert in playing that sport, he won the game by 6-0 points.

"Yay! Mr. Handsome won!" All the girls cheered.

"How can our Mr. Handsome Wang Yibo lose? He is an expert in every aspect. He is really my dream guy." A girl said while cheering.

That man named Wang Yibo gave a smile and blew some flying kisses to the girls cheering for him. The girls started screaming even more. Wang Yibo's teammates hugged him. Though the match was a friendly one, Wang Yibo was still determined to win so as to win the hearts of the girls.

"It looks like something interesting is going on here."

A manly voice spoke, stealing the attention of all the girls and boys present there. Everyone turned around to see a handsome guy in a red hoodie sitting on the bench, smirking. His bow like lips curved upwards forming a smile on his lips while his big almond eyes glued to the player on the court who just won the match.

 His bow like lips curved upwards forming a smile on his lips while his big almond eyes glued to the player on the court who just won the match

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"Awww...Prince Charming is here!" All the girls screamed together. "Prince Charming! He is so handsome. Why does Xiao Zhan have to be so perfect!? He always steals my heart." The girls mumbled among themselves.

With a smirk on his face, Xiao Zhan got up and set his foot in the playground. Wang Yibo looked at the red hoodie guy with his sharp eyes, sweat was dripping from his jawline making him look even sexier.

"So, how about a friendly match?" Zhan smirked.

"Sure," Yibo replied with a grin.

"Omg! Mr. Handsome and Prince Charming are going to have a match!?" All the girls screamed in excitement.

"Damn! How am I going to survive this? They are looking so hot in the court! My heart can't handle this amount of hotness."

Soon the match started. Wang Yibo didn't take the game seriously at the beginning and was taking his time, Xiao Zhan scored a point. A half-moon smile appeared on Yibo's face while Zhan's eyes got fixed on Yibo's face.

"You don't need to play lightly, treat me as an opponent." Xiao Zhan winked at Wang Yibo.

Wang Yibo smirked and snatched the ball from Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan was amused at the opponent's talent but he didn't get carried away. Xiao Zhan himself was an excellent player who won a number of matches when he was in high school. Yibo dribbled the ball making it impossible for Xiao Zhan to snatch it. A wide smirk appeared on his face. Yibo shot the ball into the hoop. But before the ball could go into the hoop, the ball was stopped by Yibo's opponent. Zhan gave a wide smile as he took control of the ball. Yibo glared at Xiao Zhan while Xiao Zhan smiled making his blood boil.

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