Zan Jin's secret: Chapter 66

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There is slight mature content in the story. I am marking it with MATURE. So innocent kids just skip the part.
(I know few sweeties here who are below 18 but still reads it. I still don't know why I am giving this warning *facepalms*)


Zhan was sitting on the couch in the drawing-room with Yibo beside him. Zhan was looking at some business matters while Yibo was watching TV.

"Honey, do you think Zan Jin is really bad?" Yibo suddenly asked while munching the snacks.

"Why?" Zhan asked without averting his gaze from the laptop screen. "Are you planning to hit on him?"

"Hm." Yibo nodded his head slowly. "If I get bored of you, I am thinking of courting him." Yibo smiled mischievously and looked at Zhan.

Zhan was already glaring at him. "Repeat again," Zhan growled.

"I was thinking to pick on Zan Ji...hmph!"

Before Yibo could finish his words, Zhan's lips already captured Yibo's lips. He pinned Yibo to the couch while hovered over him without breaking the kiss. Yibo smiled in the kiss while pulling Zhan by his nape, deepening the kiss. Yibo's hand held Zhan's arm while the other hand traveled to Zhan's hair and tugged on it, turning Zhan on. Zhan moaned in the kiss. His sucked Yibo's bottom lip aggressive while his naughty tongue parted Yibo's lips to find it's own way into the warm cavern. Yibo parted his lips allowing Zhan's tongue to explore his warm cavern.

"Urgh...Zhan..." Yibo suddenly arched his back when he felt cold fingers touching his pink buds.

A mischievous smirk appeared on Zhan's face. His tongue traveled from Yibo's lips to the base of his neck, before sucking on the soft skin there. Yibo titled his head, giving complete access to Zhan while the latter kept on sucking and biting the soft skin, marking Yibo as his. In the process, Zhan removed Yibo's shirt and threw it somewhere in the room. His hands played with Yibo's sensitive pink buds, sending ripples of unexplainable pleasure to Yibo.

Zhan suddenly stopped and looked at Yibo who looked like an ethereal beauty with the messy hair and half-lidded eyes. His swollen lips which were gasping for air looked like an invitation to Zhan's hungry lustful eyes. He touched those swollen lips with his thumb before smashing his lips on his husband's.


"Zhan..." Yibo broke the kiss and looked at Zhan when he felt Zhan's hand touching his hardness.

"Hm?" Zhan smirked as Yibo looked so vulnerable at that moment. "I can feel someone is already hard for me." He teased before licking Yibo's wet lips.

"Urghh Zhan..." Yibo jolted as Zhan's hand slid inside Yibo's pants, while his lips were sucking on Yibo's pink buds hungrily.

Zhan smiled as his husband's reaction. He gently wrapped his fingers around Yibo's erection and moved his hand in a slow manner, making Yibo feel the waves of pleasure. Yibo closed his eyes and threw his head back as unknown pleasure was hitting him from his entire body. Zhan's warm naughty tongue kept teasing and encircling Yibo's reddened buds, occasionally biting on it, earning moans from Yibo.

"Zhan, please..." Yibo turned his face sideways as he couldn't bear the teasing anymore.

"Please what?" Zhan whispered seductively into Yibo's ears while his hands gained pace.

"G-go faste...urgh..." Yibo roughly grabbed a fistful of Zhan's hair as Zhan's hands started to move faster while giving it light squeezes.

His thumb moved in swirling motion, spreading the beads of precum over the sensitive glans, making Yibo flinch from time to time. Yibo tried to open his eyes and look at Zhan but the pleasure was too much for him to handle. He kept arching his body, trying to adjust himself but Zhan was so skillful that he kept making Yibo shudder under his touch.

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