Taking Care Of Zhan(2): Chapter 40

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The next day was very exciting for Xiao Zhan as he got discharged from the hospital. Xuan Lu requested her to go to their apartment but Zhan was reluctant about staying with Yibo and the latter's apartment. Finally unable to argue with Zhan, Xuan Lu allowed her brother to stay with Yibo while Meng Ziyi gave Yibo a warning to take care of Zhan otherwise she would separate them.

"Xiao Zhan, you know, you are really stubborn," Yibo said driving the car while Zhan was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Mn." Zhan nodded. "I know. Especially I become more stubborn when it comes to my boyfriend."

"Then, it looks like you are really desperate for your boyfriend," Yibo said with a mischievous smirk on face.

"Yea, darling," Zhan said smirking while Yibo shook his head.

Suddenly Zhan's phone rang and he internally cursed the person who phoned him for ruining his moment. But the moment he saw the name on the screen, his facial expressions grew into a serious one. But for the next moment, a smile appeared on his face.

"Hello? Zan Jin, what's up dear?" Zhan said smiling widely while Yibo frowned listening to that name.

"Zhanzhan, how are you? Are you returning home today? Can I visit you?"

"Wow wow! Zan Jin calm down." Zhan chuckled. "You are asking too many questions at the same time. I am fine. I am returning home but I am staying at my friend's house."

"Friend's house?"

"Mn. BoBo is my friend and I am staying at his house."

"Oh. Then, take care of yourself."

"Sure Zan Jin dear. Don't forget to take care of yourself. I am worried about you."


After ending the call, Zhan was smiling widely. When he turned his face to see Yibo, the latter avoided his gaze. Zhan smiled when he saw a frown on Yibo's face and a cute pout on his lips.

"Yibo?" Zhan calls softly.


"Yibo?" Zhan again called but received no response. "Yiii Bo," Zhan called out sweetly.


"Yiiiboooooo," Zhan called his name like he was singing a song.

"What!?" Yibo asked irritated. "What do you want? Aren't you happy with your Zan Jin baby? Why did you end the call so soon? Did I became a third party between you?" Yibo started to bombard Zhan with questions while the latter smiled.

"Calm down Yibo." Zhan chuckled. "Why are you so mad?"

Yibo just rolled his eyes and ignored Zhan but his insides were burning with anger. If he had his own choices, then he would punch Zan Jin hard enough to make the latter faint and he would make sure that Zan Jin would lay unconscious on a hospital bed for days.

During the journey, Yibo kept silent while Zhan tried to Yibo. As they reached Yibo's apartment, Yibo parked the car in the garage and went inside the apartment while Xiao Zhan followed him.

"Yibo, are you mad at me?" Zhan pouted.

"I don't want to talk to you," Yibo said making his way to his room.

"Aigoo, don't be so rude with your boyfriend," Zhan whined. "I am still injured you know."

"I don't care, go to your Zan Jin baby," Yibo said as he opened the door of his room and went inside.

No sooner had Yibo entered than room than Zhan pushed him to the wall roughly and captured his lips. Yibo struggled to break the kiss by pushing Zhan but the latter held Yibo's both hands and pinned them to both sides of the wall. As Yibo was trying to free himself, Zhan kept sucking on Yibo's bottom lip like a candy, tasting the soft muscle.

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