Travelling Abroad: Chapter 56

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A few days passed by. Zhan stopped going to University, his friends' place even stopped talking to his Shijie. He stayed at Zan Jin's house all the time. He barely talked. Most of the time he used to stare out of the window like a lifeless body. Zan Jin used to feed him sometimes when Zhan didn't even put a spoonful of food into his mouth the whole day.

One day, Zan Jin was feeding to Zhan while Zhan was staring outside the window. Suddenly Zhan looked at Zan Jin like he wanted to say something.

"What happened Zhan? Do you want to tell me something?" Zan Jin asked wiping Zhan's mouth.

"Zan Jin, I am thinking of moving forward in my life," Zhan said in a low voice.

"That's good." Zan Jin smiled. "You should join the university again."

"I am not talking about that." Zhan took a deep breath and held Zan Jin's hands into his. "Zan Jin, you took care of me these past days. You never complained about me. I think we should take our relationship to the next level."

"Zhan, are you asking me to be your boyfriend?" Zan Jin arched his brow while a smile plastered to his face.

"No." Zhan looked at him. "Zan Jin, will you marry me?"

"What!?" Zan Jin got chocked at Zhan's words. "Are you sure Zhan? Wait...aren't you using me as a replacement of Wang Yibo?"

"Zan Jin." Zhan held Zan Jin's hands. "I know it's too fast but please, believe me, I really do love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Please believe me."

"Zhan..." Zan Jin hesitated.

"Zan Jin, please." Zhan gently squeezed Zan Jin's small hands within his.

"Yes." Zan Jin smiled. "I will marry you."

"Thank you so much, Zan Jin." Zhan hugged him. "Thank you so much for trusting me."

"I love you, Zhan." Zan Jin hugged him tightly. "But Zhan..." Zan Jin broke the hug. "I have to go to London tomorrow. I have to take care of few things. Can you wait for me?"

"When will you return to Beijing?" Zhan asked.

"After 3 weeks." Zan Jin replied.

"Good. Then we will have our engagement after 3 weeks. Okay?"

"Sure Zhan." Zan Jin smiled, showing his little dimples. "I am so happy today."

"Me too." Zhan smiled. "Oh! You have extra classes today, right? Attend the classes today. I need to tell my shijie about our relationship."

"Zhan..." Zan Jin paused. "What if she doesn't agree?"

"They I will leave the Xiao family and will marry you," Zhan replied with determination.

"Thank you, Zhan." Zan Jin hugged him.

After sometime Zan Jin left for his extra classes. Zhan wore simple clothes and got ready.

 Zhan wore simple clothes and got ready

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