Rescuing Jiyang: Chapter 21

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"Zhan please help me. They won't spare me. Please save me!"

With those words, the call ended.

"Hello? Jiyang? Hello?"

Then Xiao Zhan realized that the ended. Yibo looked at Zhan as the latter's expressions turned to a worried one.

"Xiao Zhan, what happened?" Yibo asked anxiously.

"We have to go to rescue Song Jiyang. Someone kidnapped him." Zhan quickly got up from his bed.

"What?! Who kidnapped Jiyang?" Yibo asked as followed Zhan.

Without saying a single word, Zhan quickly got dressed up. Along with Yibo, he left the room and went to his garage while the former followed Zhan.

"Xiao Zhan, please tell me what happened," Yibo asked as he sat in the passenger seat beside the driver seat.

"Don't ask too much," Zhan said coldly as he started the engine of the car.

The sudden cold voice sent shivers down Yibo's spine. He never saw Zhan acting so coldly before. Fastening the seat belt, Zhan started driving. While driving he phoned Hao Xuan.

"Hello? Hao Xuan."

"What's up buddy? Why do you call me at thi-"

"Hao Xuan it's not time to joke. Listen to me carefully." Zhan voice turned even cold while his kneen eyes were fixed on the road. "Someone kidnapped Jiyang."

"What?! What are you saying, Zhan?"

"Jiyang called me asking for help. I tracked his location and now I am going to that spot. I have already send you the location."

"Are you going alone?"

"No. Yibo is with me. Don't be late. Reach there as soon as possible."

With those words, Zhan ended the call. He increased the speed of his car to 120kmph. Yibo wanted to ask a number of questions, but witnessing such a cold Zhan, Yibo held back.

After driving for 20 minutes they reached an abandoned house. Xiao Zhan quickly got down from his car. Yibo wanted to follow Zhan but the latter stopped him.

"Stay here. Don't come out no matter what." Zhan said looking at Yibo who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"But Zhan..."

"Don't worry about me. I will be fine." Zhan gave Yibo an assuring smile while the latter frowned. "Yibo, I don't want anyone of the kidnappers to touch you. So stay here."

Before Yibo could protest Zhan left the place and headed towards the house. Yibo looked at Zhan and closed his eyes, praying for Zhan's safety.


"You look so delicate, boy." One of the kidnappers said eyeing Jiyang from head to toes.

"No doubt our boss fell for him. Otherwise, I would claim him as mine." Another kidnapper said drinking his wine from wine bottle.

"Please leave me." Jiyang, who was sitting on a chair, cried. "I didn't do anything."

"I know that sweetheart." A kidnapped said trying to touch Jiyang. "But your boyfriend is too arrogant. We need to teach him a lesson."

"I don't have a boyfriend." Jiyang cried. Though he wasn't tied with anything, yet he feared to move a single inch.

"Really?" That guy who was drinking wine earlier got up from his place. "Then who is Xiao Zhan? You are really good at protecting your man."

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