Accompanying Zhan: Chapter 19

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"Wang Yibo" Zhan blurted out as a wide smile appeared on his face. "Excuse me, girl, Mr. Handsome needs me now." Zhan gently pushed the girls aside and went to Wang Yibo. "Thanks, Yibo." Zhan sat behind Yibo while the latter suddenly felt something overwhelming inside as Zhan addressed him as Yibo without any titles. "Yibo? What are you thinking?" Zhan said as Yibo was in daze?

"Oh! Sorry." Saying so Yibo started his bike. "Hold me tight, I am not going to drive slow."

Zhan smiled a bit. He gently yet sensually snaked his arms, gently touching Yibo's waist to his muscular abs. Yibo's breathing hitched due to such light yet sensual touch. No person in his entire life had touched him like that. Sensing that Yibo's breathing became heavy, Zhan moved a little forward to reach the other's sensitive ears.

"Lao Wang..." Zhan whispered seductively. "Aren't you gonna drive?

That was too much for Yibo. Zhan's hands around his waist with that seductive whispering almost made him lose his conscience. Zhan's words made him come to reality. He was about to start his bike when Zhan again whispered.

"Lao Wang...Am I making you blush?"

"Don't think too much of yourself," Yibo said trying to keep an unaltered face though his heart was drumming inside his chest.

"Then why your ears turned bright red?" Zhan said touching the other's tomato-red ears lightly.

"Don't try to distract me!" Yibo said strictly trying to shrug off the unexplainable thoughts that already started to mess up in his mind.

Zhan didn't respond. Yibo sighed and speeded up. The speeder Yibo drove his bike, the more Zhan hugged Yibo tightly. Within a few minutes, they reached Zhan's home. Zhan got down from the bike. Suddenly his phone rang.

"Hello? Shijie?"
"ZhanZhan, I am at Meng Ziyi's house. I have to help her company with some designs. I won't be returning home till tomorrow evening. Please take care of yourself."
"Shijie, I will take care of myself. Don't worry."

After the phone call, Zhan sighed. Seeing Zhan's expressions changed into a sad one, Yibo couldn't help but look at him.

"What's wrong?" Yibo asked removing his helmet.

"My shijie won't return home till tomorrow evening." Zhan pouted. "I have to stay alone now." Zhan dropped his head down. Suddenly the smell of sandalwood assaulted his senses. He looked up to see Yibo moving close to him. "What?! What do you want?" Zhan startled due to suddenly closeness.

"I am going to accompany you," Yibo said ruffling his hair. "Open the door now."

"Ha?" Zhan looked at Yibo while his eyebrows disappeared into the hairline.

"What?" Yibo looked at Zhan. "I think I spoke pure Mandarin."

"Stop teasing me!" Zhan pushed Yibo aside and opened the door. Opening the door Zhan went inside followed by Yibo. "Wang Yibo, do you want to have something?" Zhan asked feebly.

"No, thank you," Yibo said putting his bag on the couch. "You can take rest now. You already look tired."

"There's the kitchen," Zhan said showing the kitchen. "If you want something then please help yourself. I am going to have a nap."

"Xiao Zhan." Yibo looked at the other. "You don't need to be so formal with me. Okay? I can help myself. Now you go and take a nap."

"What will you do while I sleep?" Zhan said moving his neck sideways. "Since you are attending business classes from tomorrow, how about you try some business book?"

"Sure," Yibo said.

"Great!" Zhan smiled. "Come with me. I will give you some books and my laptop."

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