Party(2): Chapter 8

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"Its Prince Charming and Mr. Handsome."

The boy announced clapping his hands.

Everyone started screaming knowing the first couple.

"Woah! My dream couple!" A girl screamed.
"Yes! Prince Charming and Mr. Handsome will dance together today! I don't whether I should cry or smile." Another girl shouted.
"Damn! How am I gonna survive this evening? Both of them look hot as hell in the black attire." Other girl yelled.

A curve of smile appeared on Zhan's face while Meng Ziyi elbowed Zhan with a smirk. But the person who thunderstruck was Wang Yibo. He even didn't think that his partner would be Xiao Zhan. That announcement was like bolt from the blue for Wang Yibo. For a moment he cursed himself for trusting Meng Ziyi who tricked him into changing the token.

"So, our first couple, please stand beside each other." The boy announced.

Yibo stood there as if his legs got stuck with the floor. Zhan smiled and went towards him.

"Wang Yibo, finally we are partners for this evening," Zhan smirked

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"Wang Yibo, finally we are partners for this evening," Zhan smirked.
"You tricked me!" Yibo said in a firm tone.
"What!? When!?" Zhan asked confusingly as if he didn't know what happened earlier.
"You made Meng Ziyi exchange the token with me." Yibo looked sharply at Zhan.
"Huh!?" Zhan widened his eyes, keeping on his act "Did she really change token with you?"
"Stop pretending!"
"I am not pretending Wang Yibo."

"Our next couple is...guess who?" The boy again announced. "Its Mr. Heartbreaker and Mr. Gentle."

"Wow!" Zhan exclaimed. "These guys ended up together. I didn't even think that our pairings would be like this."
"Poor Song Jiyang," Yibo mumbled and shook his head. "He has to dance with that jerk now."

Hearing to Yibo's mumbling, Zhan chuckled a little.

"Are you saying something?" Zhan asked leaning towards Yibo.
"Then..." Zhan arched a brow. "I heard that you are pitying Song Jiyang. Let me tell you, he is a better player than you. So I think you need to worry about yourself, partner."
"Who the hell is your partner!?" Yibo pushed the other while the latter snickered.

"Song Jiyang." Hao Xuan went and stood beside his partner. "Now it looks like we are really going to have fun."
"Sure Mr. Heartbreaker," Jiyang smirked.
"Don't call me like that. I have a name, you know." Hao Xuan moved a step back.
"Why?" Jiyang looked at Hao Xuan. "Isn't Mr. Heartbreaker your name?"
"Yes, it is." Hao Xuan looked with upset look. "But it's Hao Xuan for you, not Mr. Heartbreaker."

Meanwhile, the announcement of couples was going on. Almost all of them found their partners except Meng Ziyi.

"Strange!" Zhan said biting his lower lip. "Why there aren't announcing Ziyi's partner?"

Wang Yibo who stood like he didn't care, too wondered why Miss Wildfire's name wasn't announced yet. Yibo knows that Meng Ziyi was a playgirl, yet he had a type of respect for her for being herself and independent, without thinking what others would do or say.

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