Inter-University Games(3): Chapter 49

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"Don't play using all your skills from the beginning. We need to find the weak points of your opponent team." Zhan said to his teammates who encircled him. "First of all make them tired enough that they almost give up on playing. Then we will use our skills. last Wang Yibo and I will lead the game."

Every player agreed to Zhan's words. Soon the players to their positions in the basketball court. The Wens had powerful players in their team. Some of them looked like ruffian boys while some looked like Gangsters. Soon the match had started. The players of Wen's team started the game using all their strength. Zhan's team only stopped their opponent from scoring points but didn't throw a single ball in the opponent's hoop. Zhan's teammates cleverly snatched the ball from the opponents and made them chase for the ball. The match continued like a tom and Jerry play, making the opponents tired and frustrated.

Soon it was half time and none of the groups scored a single point. The teammates of Wens were so tired that to freshen themselves they needed a good sleep. The teammates looked at Zhan who was busy examining the tired opponents.

"Xiao Zhan, I think you should play this time." One of the teammates said.

"Well done." Zhan smiled drinking his water. "They are too tired to concentrate in the game now. I think we should show what our team is." Zhan smirked. "Wenhan, Ji Li, Yibo and I will lead the match. Wenhan and Ji Li will score during the being phase. I am sure after some time they will get so frustrated that they will use immoral ways. Then Yibo and I will take the control over the match. Ok?"

Everyone agreed to Zhan's plan. Ji Li and Wenhan took the lead and both of them easily scored 3 points against the Wens while the tired opponent players looked at Ji Li and Wenhan aggressively as if they will kill them with their bare hands. The opponent players started to block Wenhan and Ji Li's way to stop them from scoring. Ji Li was so skilled player that he easily threw the ball into opponents hoop from distance. Soon the score became 5-0 where Zhan team was leading by 5 points. Wen Zhuliu glared at Zhan while his eyes turned into bloodshot ones. Zhan realized the tension in the air and decided to take care of the match.

Wen Zhuliu tossed the ball, aiming it at the hoop but Yibo stopped it and took it to his control. Before Zhuliu could moved towards Yibo, Zhan took the ball from Yibo and gave to Ji Li. Ji Li understood Zhan's move and bounced the ball twice, distracting the opponents. When Ji Li understood that the opponent's eyes were fully focused on him, he swiftly passed the ball to Zhan and in no time the latter threw the ball into the opponent's hoop and scored a point.

Everyone who was watching the game screamed with joy as Gusu Lan university again scored a point. Hao Xuan and Ziyi were too tensed about the match. Though they believed in both Zhan and Yibo, but they couldn't trust the Wens. They could stoop low beyond imagination just to defeat Zhan.

Soon the game points changed from 5-0 to 8-0. The Wens almost became mad to the extent that some of them were ready to kill the players. Yibo bounced the ball on the floor and was about to throw it into the hoop, one of the opponents took it from him. The opponent threw the ball into the hoop but unfortunately, the ball bounced at the rim of the loop and fell on the floor. Zhan immediately took the ball and started to bounce it within his legs from to and fro motion. When the opponents completely became focused on him, he cleverly passed the ball to Yibo. Yibo quickly took the ball and ran towards the opponent's hoop. He sensed that if he normally threw the ball, then the ball might not fall in the hoop and the time is about to end. So he jumped and threw the ball. As the ball just left Yibo's hands, one of the opponents pushed him using the elbow, making Yibo fall with a loud thud.

The huge sound grabbed everyone's attention and Zhan rushed to Yibo, who struggled to get up.

"Yibo, are you alright?" Zhan held Yibo's hand and helped him to sit by supporting Yibo's back with his hand.

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