Little Devil's Secret: Chapter 25

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"I want to ask you something..." Zhan said looking away from Yibo while biting his lips nervously.

"What?" Yibo narrowed his eyes. "Why are you looking so nervous?" Yibo walked towards Zhan and held the latter's chin making him look at him. "Say it directly."

"Can I stay for two days at your house?" Zhan blurted out closing his eyes tightly.

"What?" Yibo burst out laughing. "So you were feeling nervous to say this? Hahaha," Yibo almost had a stomach ache by laughing. "Omg! Zhan, my stomach hurts. I cannot laugh anymore."

"Hey! Wang Yibo." Zhan looked at Yibo putting his hands on his own hips. "What's so funny here? I asked you like that because I know that you hate me."

"Hate you?" Yibo stopped laughing at looked at Zhan. "Which jerk told you that?"

" you like me?" Zhan smirked, as he tilted his head.

"Who said that not hating you means liking you?!" Yibo rolled his eyes and walked out of the balcony.

"If I am not wrong, Mr. Handsome..." Zhan followed Yibo to the kitchen. "...I think the opposite word to hate is like. Isn't it obvious that not hating me means liking me?"

"Excuse me, Prince Charming." Yibo turned towards Zhan. "I just consider you as a friend okay?"

"Tch" Zhan rolled his eyes. "You are worse than Meng Ziyi."

A frown formed on Yibo's face hearing the name Meng Ziyi from Zhan's lips. He shook his head and continued eating. After their breakfast, Yibo took his bag.

"Yibo, " Zhan calls out when Yibo was about to leave. "Keep this book with you. You will be needing this." He said handing Yibo a big book."

"Thank you," Yibo said as he put it in his bag. "Well, are you bringing your car to University?" Yibo asked taking his helmet.

"Yes," Zhan said taking the car keys. "You should leave your bike here. Someone will send it to your house later."

"What!? No!" Yibo protested as Zhan went to the garage. "Wait...Zhan!" Yibo followed Zhan to garage, whining. "Xiao Zhan, you either have to come with me or I will go by my bike." Yibo put his hand on the door of the car.

"Wang Yibo, can you please be practical?" Zhan said as he looked at Yibo. "I already have an extra bag for my clothes. Do you think your bike will help it?"

Yibo wanted to say something but he was slapped hard by the reality. He couldn't deny Zhan's words. Zhan already had a big bag for his clothes and his important stuff which can be only kept inside a car, not a bike. Accepting defeat, Yibo walked aside giving Zhan access to get into the car while he got into the passenger seat.

As they arrived at the college, Zhan, and Yibo together when to Business Department classes. As Yibo entered the class, the entire class was filled with gossiping. Zhan looked at the girls who tried to take a few photos of them. Zhan smiled at winked at the girls. The girls stopped taking the photographs and started to gaze at Zhan. Shaking his head, Zhan in the middle bench of the third row.

Within a few minutes, Hao Xuan and Jiyang entered the class together. Yibo looked at Jiyang while Zhan had a mischievous smile on his face as if he knew the reason for Mr. Heartbreaker and Mr. Gentle coming together. Hao Xuan smiled and took his seat in the next bench behind Zhan while Song Jiyang sat beside him.

"How come Mr. Heartbreaker and Mr. Gentle came to class together?" Xiao Zhan said taking his notes from the bag.

"Jiyang, are you okay?" Yibo asked putting his hand on Jiyang's. "Did you two run into each other?"

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