Flirting(1) : Chapter 4

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Xiao Zhan was rushed to the medical room. The doctor was checking his injury when the door opened with a loud bang.

"Zhan, are you okay!?" Miss Wildfire came running followed by Xuan Lu and Mr. Heartbreaker.

"ZhanZhan, does it hurt much?" Xuan Lu asked hurriedly.

"Thank you for bringing Xiao Zhan. Can you please leave Zhan with us for a while?" Hao Xuan said smiling at Zhan's teammates.

"Relax. Relax guys! I am just injured. It's not that I am going to die." Zhan tried to calm them down.

"Shut up! We can see it." Hao Xuan said worriedly.

"Doctor, how is he doing?" Xuan Lu asked the doctor.

"He is alright. But his shoulder sprained a little." The doctor replied.

"Huh!? It means he needs to rest for 8 weeks!?" Meng Ziyi asked.

"No Miss. He will be cured in 3-4 weeks. His injury is not that severe. And, please don't allow him to carry heavyweight." Doctor said while prescribing medicines.

"Thank you, doctor." Xuan Lu gave a slight smile.

"Mn. Please excuse me."

Saying so the doctor gave a slight bow and left the room.

"Zhan, does it hurt too much!?" Ziyi asked worriedly holding Zhan's hands.

"Ziyi!?" Zhan exclaimed." Are you worried about me!? Don't show too much concern. It makes me feel goosebumps!" Zhan tried to shrug his shoulder.

"Asshole!" Ziyi rolled her eyes.

"ZhanZhan, don't attend the University next week. We need to recover soon." Xuan Lu sat beside Zhan.

"Excuse me!?"

A soft gentle voice interrupted their conversation. Everyone looked at the door to find Song Jiyang standing with Yibo behind him.

"Look who came to visit our Zhan!" Ziyi roared as she walked towards the door. "And you, Wang Yibo, are you, Mr. Handsome only by looks or do you even have a handsome heart as well?!"

"Meng Ziyi!" Zhan tried to stop her.

"Shut up Zhan! It doesn't matter to you but it matters to me." Anger was evident in her eyes.

"I...I am sorry." Yibo said in a low voice.

"Your simple sorry won't make Zhan recover in few minutes. He needs 8 weeks to recover!" Ziyi yelled.

"Ziyi!" Zhan stood up. "You are saying too much! Doctor said 3-4 weeks." Zhan tried to stop Ziyi.

"Whatever!" Ziyi rolled her eyes. "It's because of him, that you are in this state."

"Ziyi, don't scold them like that" Hao Xuan said coming between Ziyi and Jiyang.

Zhan looked at Yibo who hung his head down, even didn't look at Xiao Zhan for once.

Zhan looked at Yibo who hung his head down, even didn't look at Xiao Zhan for once

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