Hunting For Mengs: Chapter 38

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When Zhan opened his eyes, the first thing that came to his mind was the bright lights. He narrowed his eyes to avoid the lights and turned his head to the left only to find Wang Yibo kneeling beside him, holding his hand.

 He narrowed his eyes to avoid the lights and turned his head to the left only to find Wang Yibo kneeling beside him, holding his hand

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"Yibo..." Zhan said in a low voice.

"Zhan?" Yibo immediately lifted himself from the position. "You are awake?" He asked holding Zhan's hand tightly.

Zhan tried to sit up and Yibo helped him. "For how long did I fall asleep?" Zhan said sitting comfortably.

"Three days," Yibo replied. "You don't know how worried I was Zhan. I thought I lost you." A tear escaped Yibo's eyes while his voice cracked.

"Why would I leave you that easily, my love?" Zhan said wiping Yibo's tear. "Your herbs were very effective against that lethal poison. Otherwise, I would have died  that morning." Zhan said with a faint smile on his lips.

"Zhan!" Yibo almost yelled. "Why do you always talk about dying? Are you so eager to die?" Yibo scoffed.

"I am sorry, Yibo." Zhan held Yibo's hand. "You already know that I belong to you."

"Tch." Yibo rolled his eyes. "You don't look good while speaking cheesy line. Let me inform the doctor and jiejie that you are awake."

Soon the doctor came and checked Zhan's condition. He told them that Zhan's condition was good and he would be released the next day. After the doctor left the room, Xuan Lu, Ziyi, Hao Xuan, and Jiyang rushed into the room.

"Zhanzhan." Xuan Lu sat beside Zhan. "How are you feeling now? Does your wound still hurts?" Xuan Lu said holding Zhan's hand.

"I am alright shijie." Zhan gave an assuring smile and then looked at Ziyi and Hao Xuan. "What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Zhan, you know if you were not injured now, I would have given you a tight slap," Ziyi said looking sharply at Zhan.

"See shijie," Zhan complained like a kid. "Your girl is saying that she will slap me. Aigoo...this world is so cruel."

"Stop joking around Zhan." Hao Xuan said. "Do you know how worried we were?!" Hao Xuan stood beside Zhan. "Thanks to Yibo that he applied proper herbs to your wound. Otherwise..."

"You don't need to complete those words," Jiyang said holding Hao Xuan's arm. "I think Zhan needs rest."

"Okay," Ziyi said. "I will stay with Zhan. You guys can go out." Ziyi said putting her hands on the side of her waist.

"No! I will stay. Zhan is my childhood friend." Hao Xuan opposed it.

"I am his shijie, so I think I should stay." Xuan Lu said looking at Hao Xuan.

"Wait wait," Zhan said. "I think only Yibo should stay with me."

"Why?!" All of them in unison except Yibo.

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