Inter-University Games(2): Chapter 48

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Hao Xuan dragged Song Jiyang to a faraway boy's locker room and pushed the latter to the wall while he sat on the bench. He was fuming with anger while his ears already turned into scarlet. He was breathing heavily while his fingers clenched into tight fists as if he was ready to break the entire lockers and if possible he could kill a person alone with his bare hands.

"How dare that bastard, Wen Chao!?" Hao Xuan growled. "He already targeted Zhan and me and now his eyes are on you!? He got up and kicked the bench making Jiyang flinch. "How dare he!?" Hao Xuan raked his fingers through his short hair. "Ugh! I am going crazy!" Hao Xuan punch on one of the lockers. As a result, blood started to ooze out from his knuckles.

"Hao Xuan, what are you doing!?" Jiyang ran to Hao Xuan and held his injured hand, examining his knuckles. " are bleeding!" A frown formed on Jiyang's face as he looked at Hao Xuan worriedly.

"Leave it!" Hao Xuan yanked his hand. "I am used to this. Even Zhan gets more injured than this."

"Stop comparing yourself with others!" Jiyang almost yelled and he took Hao Xuan's injured hand into his. "Why do you always try to pretend strong huh? Do you think it makes you look cool!?" Jiyang took his handkerchief and gently wiped the blood from Hao Xuan's knuckles.

Hao Xuan looked at Jiyang without blinking while the latter was gently wiping his knuckles and occasionally blowing on it so that Hao Xuan don't feel the pain.

"It hurts much right?" Jiyang lifted his head so that he could look into Hao Xuan's eyes.

"Why do you care about it?" Hao Xuan's voice became softer while his eyes were filled with affection. "Till now only Zhan took care of me."

"Enough!" Jiyang shouted and pushed Hao Xuan, pinning him to the wall of the locker. Hao Xuan flinched due to the sudden contact of the cold metal with his back. "Stop mentioning his name."

"Why are reacting so wildly!?" Hao Xuan raised his voice. "Zhan is my best friend and what I said is true. Why does it concern you, huh!?"

"It concerns me," Jiyang yelled leaning towards Hao Xuan. "Everything about you concerns me."

"And why does that concern you!?" Hao Xuan growled, looking straight into Jiyang's eyes.

"Because I love you." Jiyang blurted out. "Don't you even fucking guess that I fell for you? Are you that idiot!?" His fist landed beside Hao Xuan's head, on the locker.

"Hm?" Hao Xuan smirked and raised his brow.

The next moment Jiyang realized what he said. He quickly took a step back, withdrawing his hands which pinned Hao Xuan.

"I...I was just..." Jiyang started to shutter as a darker shade of tint crept across his face as well as his ears.

"You what?" Hao Xuan smirked as he reversed their positions and pinned Jiyang to the locker wall. "Say that again."

"I was just..." Jiyang bit his lips while his eyes wandered everywhere except for meeting Hao Xuan.

"Look at me Jiyang." Hao Xuan's voice was deep enough to make Jiyang obey him like an omega. Jiyang bit his lower lips hard and looked at Hao Xuan slowly. "Ishh...don't bite your lips." Hao Xuan caressed Jiyang's bottom lip which got abused by the latter's teeth a while back. "Only I have the right to abuse them. Got it, hm?" Hao Xuan smirked while Jiyang looked at him like a lost kid.

"Hao Xuan..." Jiyang's words were cut by a pair of soft lips. Hao Xuan gently moved his lips, sucking on Jiyang's bottom lip while his warm tongue licked the latter's lip to soothe the pain as Jiyang abused his lower lip.

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