Party(4): Chapter 10

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"Shijie, thank you for coming today." Meng Ziyi said following her dance steps, holding Xuan Lu's waist.

"I have already planned it before." Xuan Lu put her slender hands on Meng Ziyi's shoulder. "I quickly finished my work at my friends home and attended the party."

"You know." Meng Ziyi leaned towards Xuan Lu and whispered. "You look so hot today."

"Hm?" Xuan Lu raised her brow. "Really?"

"Uh!?" Just then Meng Ziyi realized what she said." Uh...well...I...thats..." Meng Ziyi was at the loss of words.

"Silly girl!" Xuan Lu smiled watching her cutie-pie's face becoming red. "You are the first one to compliment like that and I like it." Xuan Lu leaned towards Ziyi to reach her ears. "You look damn sexy today. Don't wear such revealing clothes on parties, especially college parties. I don't want guys stare at you."

"Huh!?" Ziyi gaped as she never expected Xuan Lu to be that bold. "You don't like my dress?"

"Of course I love your dress. But I don't like it when others look at you or state at you."

"Then..." Meng Ziyi smiled."...I won't wear these types of clothes."

"Ziyi, I think I am thirsty. Can we sit for a while?"

Meng Ziyi smiled and both of them sat on chairs. Xuan Lu drank water while Ziyi drank wine.

"Lulu Shijie, why are you so beautiful?" Meng Ziyi asked drinking her wine.

"Hm?" Xuan Lu raised her brow. "Why are you suddenly asking it?"

"I cannot stop myself from staring at you," Ziyi said. "You know I am already lesbian. And you being this beautiful may make me hit on you."

"Is Miss Wildfire losing herself to plain and simple Xuan Lu?" Xuan Lu smirked.

"Who said that you are plain and simple?" Meng Ziyi looked into Xuan Lu's eyes. "You are the most gorgeous girl I have ever met."

"Well." Xuan Lu chuckled. "Then, feel free to hit on me."

"Huh!?" Ziyi's jaws dropped. "Aren't you feeling uncomfortable? Don't you I am a creep?"

"Why would I feel so?" Xuan Lu smiled. "My little Ziyi is prettiest and amazing girl. And, I really feel comfortable with a little sister like you."

"Tch. I am a friend-zoned again!" Ziyi thought rolling her eyes.

"What happened?" Xuan Lu asking putting her hand of younger's hand.

"Hi jiejie. Are you tired?" Hao Xuan said interrupting them.

"Oh, Hao Xuan. Have a seat." Xuan Lu smiled. "Hello, Song Jiyang." She greeted.

"Hi, Miss Xuan Lu. Please call me as Jiyang." Jiyang sat beside Hao Xuan. "I am younger than you."

"Hey!" Hao Xuan looked at Jiyang. "You never asked me to call you Jiyang."

"His can you compare yourself with Xuan Lu jiejie?" Jiyang turned towards Hao Xuan. "You are heartless heartbreaker while she is Miss Gentle."

"How did your dance go?" Ziyi asked. "Did Hao Xuan stepped on your foot?"

"Ziyi!" Hao Xuan looked at Ziyi. "How come you can ask such a question to him. I am not that bad dancer."

"Yeah yeah," Ziyi said nodding her head. "You are not a bad dancer but worst dancer." Ziyi laughed.

"Having much fun huh?" Xiao Zhan said as he just entered the scene along with Yibo.

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