Party(3): Chapter 9

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"Mr. Handsome, get ready to dance." Xiao Zhan whispered and winked at him.

Wang Yibo looked sharply at Zhan before walking onto the dance floor. Xiao Zhan smiled to himself and followed Wang Yibo. After all the couples joined the dance floor, the music started.

As the music started both Xiao Zhan and Yibo spread their right hand, the usual posture for a guy during a couple dance. Seeing Yibo spreading his right hand to receive Xiao Zhan's left hand, Zhan smirked.

"Wang Yibo," Zhan whispered. "I think I am going to play the role of a guy, while you are going to play the girl."

"No way!" Yibo replied back. "I am going to be the guy. I never plate girl role before."

"It's okay my partner," Zhan smirked. "You can play the role of girl now. Anyways, you have to get used to it." Zhan leaned towards Yibo. "Moreover, I am already an experienced dancer, so I think I can play the role of guy better."

"Tch." Yibo looked away. "You left me no other option. Which side is injured?"

"Huh!?" Zhan exclaimed.

"Which side of your shoulder is injured, Xiao Zhan!?"

"Oh. It's the left side." Zhan smiled. "You can put your delicate hands on my right shoulder."

Yibo sighed and changed his posture by putting his right hand on Zhan's strong shoulders while spreading his left arm to hold Zhan's hand. Zhan gently held Wang Yibo's soft palms. Though Xiao Zhan danced a few times before, but it was first dance for Wang Yibo. The moment Xiao Zhan put his hand gently on Yibo's waist, he felt as if his body experienced a sudden spark of electricity. His breathing became shallow for a moment and his eyes got closed involuntarily. Noticing Yibo closing his eyes, Zhan's brows got knitted.

"Wang Yibo?" Zhan asked politely. "Are you okay?"

Those polite words brought Yibo back to his senses. He immediately looked at Zhan who was looking at his with apprehensive eyes.

"I am alright," Yibo said returning to his own self.

Zhan smiled and then continued dancing. While dancing, there was a posture where the partners will stretch their hands which they were holding.

(Something like posture

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(Something like posture. I didn't get a perfect pic for that. Please use your wild imagination😊)

Yibo and Zhan did that posture. No sooner Zhan stretched his left arm, suddenly he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder.

"Issss." Zhan hissed in pain as he immediately let go of his partner's hand.

"Xiao Zhan, are okay?" Wang Yibo rushed to Zhan whose other hand rested on his injured shoulder. "Should we go to the hospital? Is the pain severe?" Yibo aked without giving Zhan a chance to talk.

"Yibo...Yibo." Zhan smiled. "Calm down a bit." Zhan took a breath. "I am fine. It's just a little pain due to the injury, we can continue dancing."

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