Culprit: Chapter 53

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Zhan searched all the places like crazy while Yu Bin accompanied him to each and every place. They searched the accident site, secretly looked into the car which caused the accident, even checked the surroundings of Wens, but still, they didn't find any evidence of their crime. It has been 2 days since they started searching for clues but they remained unsuccessful. Even Li Bowen couldn't get anything after hacking their system.

"Zhan, what are we going to do now?" Yu Bin sat on a bench, beside Zhan. It was around 11 pm and both the men were sitting on the bank of the river.

"I am feeling like ripping their stomachs with my bare hands!" Zhan growled. "I am afraid and worried about Yibo. They know that Yibo means a lot to me."

"Zhan, my men already surrounded Hao Xuan's apartment and keeping an eye on them." Yu Bin tried to make Zhan calm down. "Don't worry."

"I have already talked to Uncle Wang and my father regarding their safety." Zhan looked at Yu Bin. "These Wens are going out of control." Zhan's words sounded cold and expressionless. The tune was low like a silence before a tremendous storm.

"Zhan, why don't you go to Hao Xuan's apartment and spend some time with Yibo?" Yu Bin said nervously, unsure of Zhan's reply. "You are turning into a beast Zhan."

"I cannot go in front of him right now." Zhan let of a deep breath. "What if I lose my control and do something bad? I cannot risk his life. He is my heartbeat."

Before Yu Bin could say anything, Zhan's phone rang. Zhan frustratedly took his phone. As soon as his eyes saw the name displayed on the phone screen, his facial features softened.


"Zhan, where are you? When will you come home? Did you eat your food?"

"Calm down, honey." Zhan chuckled. "I am fine. I am at Yu Bin's house now, searching for clues." Zhan lied.

"Baby, I am so worried about you. Please don't risk your life. If you want I can ask my father to help us."

"Yibo, don't worry too much. Everything is fine." Zhan replied softly, assuring his love about his safety. "I will be back soon."

"Zhan, I love you."

"I love you too, Yibo. It's already 11 pm, go to sleep my little lion."

"You too. Sleep well."



"I love you so much, my love. Please don't ever doubt my love for you. No matter how much hard the circumstances are, you should never give up on our love."

"Zhan...why are you saying this now? Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine. I am just worried about you."

"Honey, don't worry too much. Have a good sleep. Bye."


After the phone call, Zhan's lips stretched into a big, wide smile. He stared ar his phone screen and smiled like an idiot.

"Look at your smile." Yu Bin chuckled. "You are smiling like a teenager in love."

"Really..." Zhan shook his head smiling. "Yibo knows how to make me smile."

"Thanks to Yibo." Yu Bin smiled. "It has been 2 days since you last smiled."

Zhan's expressions grew dark again. "It's time to focus again," Zhan said. "Yu Bin, I want you to hack into the Wens system."

"Zhan, I already tried but it isn't successful." Yu Bin signed.

Just then Yu Bin's phone rang.

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