Rescue: Chapter 37

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Yibo woke up at midnight when he felt someone beside him was trembling. He got up and saw Zhan was shivering badly. He put his hand on Zhan's forehead to feel the temperature.

"The temperature is not high," Yibo exclaimed as the temperature was normal but Zhan was shivering. "Why are you shivering?" Yibo said to himself more than asking Zhan.

He gently removed Zhan's shirt and cleaned the wound. Then he tore his jacket and bandaged Zhan's wound. As Yibo was bandaging Zhan's wound, the latter was mumbling something in his dream while he kept shivering.

"Yibo..." Zhan mumbled. "Don't leave me...please..." Zhan stirred in his sleep.

"I am here. I won't leave you." Yibo said lying beside Zhan and hugging him.

When Yibo hugged Zhan, perhaps the latter felt the warmth he needed and stopped shivering. Yibo smiled and hugged the other tightly as drifted into a deep sleep.

Zhan woke up feeling empty and cold. He extended his arm with his closed eyes to feel this lover beside him but the place was empty. Zhan at once sat up with a jerk. His eyes scanned the entire room but didn't find Yibo. An unknown fear overtook him. Though there was a pain due to the wound, he ignored it and rushed outside. He stood spellbound to see the scene that welcomed him.

Wang Yibo was standing outside, enjoying the light chill in the environment while the warm morning sun rays touched his soft face making him look like an angel. A faint smile appeared on Zhan's lips as he rushed to Yibo and hugged him from the back.

"Huh? Zhan?" Yibo uttered when he found a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist protectively.

"Mn." Zhan hummed as he nuzzled in the crook of the other's neck while yearning a chuckle from Yibo. "I missed you."

"Zhan, we slept together and you already missed me?" Yibo asked as he turned towards Zhan. "How is your wound? Does it hurt much?" Yibo said looking worriedly at Zhan while the latter pulled him into a hug. "Zhan?"

"Yibo..." Zhan hugged him tightly. "I am so afraid to lose you." Zhan putting his head on Yibo's shoulder.

"Zhan?" Yibo suddenly touched Zhan's forehead only to find that his body temperature was not normal. "You have a fever!" Yibo exclaimed and broke the hug. "You should take rest," Yibo said dragging Zhan inside and making him lay on the couch. "Don't move. I already brought some herbs for your wound as well as for your fever." Yibo said taking the leaves he brought. "Luckily I guessed that you might have a fever and brought these before you woke up." Yibo shook his head as he started to grind the leaves to make it a fine paste.

"What? You went alone?" Zhan looked at Yibo with his eyes widened.

"Yes," Yibo said checking the paste he made. "Luckily Meng Yao wasn't there. So I had a good look at the paths. I think we can get out of these wood easily." Yibo said washing his hand with little water. "Remove your shirt now, I need to apply this paste on your wound."

"Why don't you remove it yourself?" Zhan smirked.

"I removed it myself twice," Yibo said rolling his eyes. "It's not new to me. Now open your shirt."

"You are so unromantic." Zhan scoffed and removed his shirt while Yibo chuckled seeing the other's expressions. "By the way, where is my phone? I need to phone Bowen."

"Here," Yibo said fishing the phone from his pocket. "It has a 5% charge left."

"Ah?" Zhan's eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. "Why? I thought life is life but now it looks like my life is becoming a drama." Zhan scoffed. He sent a message to Bowen saying 'find us'.

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