Finding Clues : Chapter 52

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Xiao Zhan's phone slipped from his hand after receiving the news. Yibo quickly held the phone, protecting it from touching the ground. Zhan stared at the wall blankly while his lips were parted. Shock was clearly written all over his face.

"Zhan?" Yibo shook Zhan softly. "Zhan?" He again shook him. "ZHAN!C Yibo shook his really hard, pulling Zhan out of daze. "What happened? Why do you look so pale?"

"Y-Yibo, my shijie had an a-accident!" Zhan looked at Yibo with hopeless stare.

"What!?" Yibo blurted out.

"We don't have time. Let's go." Zhan fixed his shirt and ran to the garage to take the car while Yibo followed him.

Zhan drove the car above the normal speed. Yibo could sense that the speed wasn't normal but he didn't dare to interrupt Zhan. As soon as they reached the hospital, Zhan quickly got out of the car and rushed inside the hospital. Yibo parked the car and quickly followed Zhan.

Zhan asked a nurse about Xuan Lu and she told the room number to him. Thanking her, he rushed towards the room. His pace was stopped by a doctor who was standing outside Xuan Lu's room.

"Are you Mr. Xiao Zhan?" The doctor asked.

"Yes," Zhan said breathlessly. "How is my shijie doing? Is she fine? Nothing serious happened to her, right?" Zhan panicked.

"Mr. Xiao, please calm down." The doctor smiled gently. "Your sister is perfectly alright. She just has few scratches on her hands and small injury on forehead. Otherwise, she is alright. We will discharge her tomorrow."

"Thank you, doctor." Zhan bowed to him. "Can I go inside to see her?"

"Sure." The doctor smiled and left the place.

Zhan quickly entered the room. Tears swelled in his eyes witnessing his only sister lying on the bed with her eyes closed.

"Shijie..." Zhan's lips parted as the words escaped which was nothing more than a whisper. He slowly walked and knelt down beside Xuan Lu's bed and took her soft hand into his. Tears escaped from his eyes without any hesitation while his eyes stared at her bandage on her forehead.

"It's all my fault." Zhan sniffed. "I shouldn't have let you go alone. It's all my fucking fault." Zhan's tears fell on her palms.

The sobs of Zhan made Xuan Lu open her eyes. She slowly turned her head towards him. Her lips curved into a soft smile at the sight of her brother sniffing like a kid.

"Zhan." Xuan Lu said softly. "I am okay. Don't cry."

"Shijie..." Zhan looked upwards to meet his sister's gaze. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have allowed you to go. I am really sorry." He sobbed.

"Zhan I am okay." Xuan Lu pushed her body back, adjusting herself to sit comfortably. "Why are you blaming yourself, come here." Xuan Lu moved a little so that Zhan could sit beside her. Zhan looked at her will swollen eyes and followed her words. Xuan Lu smiled as her brother softly obeyed her words. Zhan looked at her with his bog almond eyes, while tears flowed freely from them. "ZhanZhan, don't cry. I am okay. See." She wiped his tears and gently kissed his forehead."

"Shijie..." Zhan was about to say something but got interrupted by a loud bang of the door.

"Jiejie..." Ziyi ran to her. "What happened to you? How did it happen?" Ziyi cried. Her eyes became red, which showed that she had been crying for a long time.

"Honey, I am alright. Just a small scratches." Xuan Lu smiled, showing her hands to Ziyi.

"Aish...they look painful." Ziyi looked at Xuan Lu's hands and then at her. Tears flooded her cheeks.

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