Shopping: Chapter 12

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Shafts of light fell on Meng Ziyi's face disturbing her sweet sleep. Without opening her eyes, she put his hand on her eyes to cover the bright sunlight. She was about to move when she felt something on her right shoulder. She slowly opened her eyes to see Xuan Lu sleeping peacefully with her hands on Ziyi's shoulder. Ziyi smiled and turned gently towards her. She carefully removed the Xuan Lu's locks which were guarding her view to Xuan Lu's adorable face.

"You look so cute when you sleep." Ziyi smiled. "I wish I could tell my feelings to you. But I cannot. I know you would reject me. Who wants to spend their life with a lesbian like me? And you are one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Ziyi gently cupped Xuan Lu's face without disturbing her sleep. Due to the gentle touch, Xuan Lu stirred a bit. Sensing the Xuan Lu might wake up, Ziyi closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Xuan Lu opened her eyes to see her cute meimei sleeping. A big smile appeared on her sweet face. She touched Ziyi's well-defined eyebrows.

"She is actually beautiful." Xuan Lu mumbled. "Pale skin even whiter than snow, dark eyebrows, two big doe eyes, cute little nose, and beautiful red lips. How come people bad mouthed such an adorable girl?"

"Adorable? Nothing else?" Ziyi said with her closed eyes.

"Huh!?" Xuan Lu got startled. "When did you wake up?"

"Just moment when you started to describe me." Ziyi winked.

"Naughty girl." Xuan Lu blushed. "You listened to everything."

"Yes, my shijie," Ziyi said putting her hands around Xuan Lu. "I heard everything."

"Ahm ahm."

A sudden cough interrupted the girls. Both of them sat at once and looked at the door.

"Xiao Zhan!!?" Ziyi blurted out

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"Xiao Zhan!!?" Ziyi blurted out.

"Yes. It me." Xiao Zhan said leaning on the door. "I third person is standing her. So please you guys stop for once. Do whatever you want when you are alone."

"ZhanZhan, it's not what you think." Xuan Lu quickly got down from her bed.

"Whatever," Zhan smirked. "And Miss Meng Ziyi, you are wearing my favorite t-shirt and my sweat pants. Who you compensate this now?"

That was when Ziyi paid attention to what she was wearing? Indeed she was wearing Zhan's shirt and pants.

"Well..." Ziyi rubbed her nape. "I don't have clothes."

"I know. Catch it." Zhan threw a bag towards Ziyi. "I bought some clothes for you. Wear them."

"Thank you, Zhan." Ziyi smiled.

"Wait wait Miss Wildfire. You have to treat me with lunch." Zhan said looking at Ziyi.

"Okay okay. I will treat you." Ziyi said. "I am thinking of dropping out of class today. Lulu shijie, will you go to classes?"

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