Trouble(2): Chapter 35

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Zhan rushed to the place where he parked the car. Just then he realized that Yibo didn't take the car. Instead, Yibon0 walked to his apartment. Zhan sighed and he quickly took his car out and drove to Yibo's house.

As he reached to Yibo's apartment, the door was locked. Luckily Zhan knew the code to open the door. So he typed the code and the door opened. No sooner the door had opened than he rushed to Yibo's room. He opened the door but found Yibo's room empty. He gradually checked all the room but Yibo was absent from the rooms.

This made Zhan become even more restless. It was about 3 pm and Yibo was still roaming outside. He quickly took out his phone and called Yibo but the latter didn't answer it.

"Come on Yibo, answer the phone!" Zhan kept saying while he kept calling him.

After spending an hour waiting for Yibo, he couldn't wait for the consequences. He looked at his watch and it was 4 pm. He quickly took out his car and went out in search of Yibo. He searched almost everywhere. Sometimes he parked his car somewhere and went inside lanes in search of his Yibo.

"Wang Yibo!" Zhan shouted. "Where are you!" Zhan's voice cracked. "Come back, please. I am sorry." Tears that formed in his eyes threatened to flow. Zhan wiped his years and continued his search.


On the other hand, Yibo was roaming in the roads thinking about Zhan's words and Wen Zhuliu's words.

'Did Zhan really deceive me?' Yibo wondered. 'But his feelings were real when he kissed me.' Yibo touched his lips and a faint smile appeared on his face remembering the passionate kiss they shared on Valentine's Day. Then he remembered his conversation with Zhan where Zhan once said that Yibo didn't have an idea who Zhan was and what he was capable of doing. 'Zhan is really mysterious. He never told me about him. But...I think already know everything about him. His friends...his family...and his studies. What else can he hide from me!? But why he keeps saying that I don't know him!?' Yibo kept thinking when he suddenly heard a girls' scream.

Yibo rushed in the direction only to find a girl from the same class of his university surrounded by few men who were dressed in navy blue. She was screaming for help while the guys were trying to touch her.

"Hey, you! Stop molesting her!" Yibo shouted as he went towards them.

All of them turned towards Yibo while the girl's eyes glistened with hope.

"Wang Yibo..." The girl ran and hid behind Yibo. "Please save me. They will not spare me." The girl was trembling with fear.

"Oh! Wang Yibo, what a pleasant surprise!" A guy came out from the gang with a smirk on his while Yibo's eyes widened witnessing the person.

"Zan Jin?" Yibo blurted out. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Oh sweetheart, I am not Zan Jin." That guy chuckled.

"I don't care who you are but leave this girl alone," Yibo said standing protectively in front of the girl. "If you are brave then let's have a man to man fight."

"What?" That guy chuckled. "Good. We will leave that girl. But, instead, you have to stay with us."

"I accept," Yibo replied in a cold voice.

"Wang Yibo, you..." The girl wanted to say something but Yibo cut her words.

"Just run away from here." Yibo smiled gently. "Don't look back. They won't do anything to me."

"How are you so sure that we won't do anything to you?" That guy smirked as he walked towards Yibo. "And yes, call me Meng Yao."

"Meng Yao or whatever." Yibo rolled his eyes. "I am not here to have fun with you."

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