Trouble(1): Chapter 34

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The next morning was as usual for Yibo but not for Zhan. A number of thoughts clouded his mind and he went in a daze from time to time. Even while bathing, he stopped to turn off the tap and the water overflowed. He wore his shirt in the wrong way, even he accidentally packed a shirt instead of a book in his bag.

"Xiao Zhan?" Yibo called out gently. "Zha-an?!" Yibo waved his hand in front of a dazed Zhan who was holding his knife instead of chopsticks on the dining table. "Zhan!" Yibo shook Xiao Zhan and the latter came back to senses.

"Ha?" Zhan looked at Yibo while his jaw slacked.

"Xiao Zhan, what's wrong with you today?" Yibo said gently putting his hand on Zhan's. "Why are you going out of character today? Is something bothering you?"

"N-nothing. It's okay." Zhan smiled moving his hands in the air showing rejection.

"If it's really okay then why are holding a knife instead of chopsticks while eating noodles?" Yibo said pointing Zhan's hand with his chopsticks.

That was when Zhan realized what he was holding. He quickly put the knife on the table and took the chopsticks. "A-ah, hehe, sorry." Zhan smiled sheepishly while Yibo shook his head.

When they got out of the apartment, Zhan insisted on driving but Yibo didn't allow the former to do so. He took the car keys and drove Zhan while a whiny Zhan kept pouting all the way.

As they reached the university, Yibo walked ahead while Zhan followed him. Actually, a lot of thoughts that were distracting Zhan were not only related to Yibo but also related to his business, the pact between Wen groups and Meng groups and the problem that Mr. Wang was facing.

"Zhan?" Ziyi snapped her fingers in front of Xiao Zhan. "Why do you look so lost? Did something bad happened yesterday?" Ziyi asked tilting her to have a better vision of Zhan's face.

"Nothing." Zhan sighed as he drank water from his bottle.

"I can say it's not related to Yibo." Hao Xuan said putting his hands on the table. "Its something else."

"Hao Xuan, don't you think you know me too much?" Zhan arched his brow.

Before Hao Xuan could reply, everyone's phone buzzed and all of the class received a message. Zhan frowned as it was an unusual thing that the entire class received a message through phone at the exact same minute.

"Woah." Hao Xuan said in frustration. " looks like we are only waiting for this."

"What's this?" Ziyi said who didn't read the message yet.

"What else." Hao Xuan sighed. "The inter-university games will begin from next week."

"What?!" All of them said in unison.

"What are you saying, Hao Xuan?!" Jiyang exclaimed. "How's this possible?"

"This type of thing never happened before." Yibo looked at Hao Xuan confusingly. "Every year there is usually 3 weeks time before starting the game."

"The Wens are crossing their limits!" Zhan clenched his fist to such extent that his knuckles became white.

"Zhan! Calm down." Ziyi said putting her hand on Zhan's fisted hand.

"What!?" Yibo exclaimed. "Isn't Wen Chao still in jail?"

"His lawyer was tricky and got him out of there." Hao Xuan said feeling like he would punch that Wen Chao if he came in front of him by any chance.

After the classes, all of the friends went to the canteen to have some drinks to refresh themselves. As they were sitting around a table, suddenly a first landed on their table. Zhan lifted his head to find the person he least expected to see.

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