Fall Of The Mengs: Chapter 44

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Meng Yao who just received the news of canceling of his deal with Japanese company scoffed. He couldn't believe what suddenly happened that his entire business was at stake. He quickly phoned the Japanese company for their sudden change of decision. They told him that someone informed them about the ugly things about Mengs and their company.

"Damn it!" Meng Yao hit the car door. "How did they find about us?! Didn't you hide our information from them?" Meng Yao glared at his secretary who just nodded his head. "Shit! Now drive to my apartment. I want to make everything clear to me."

After a few minutes, Meng Yao reached his apartment. He quickly took a shower and slipped into bathrobes. Taking a bottle of wine, he sat on the couch.

"Wang Yibo..." Meng Yao let out a heavy breath. "It's all because of you. I won't spare you!" He put his lips on the mouth of the bottle and drank the wine until he emptied one-fourth of the drink. "Even Xiao Zhan won't do anything. Your father dared to mess with me!? Now just get ready to face the consequences.

Suddenly the phone rang and he turned his head in the direction of the sound. Cursing, he received the call. When he answered the phone, an annoyed expression was evident on his face but as he started talking on the phone, his expressions changed into a devastating one. When his phone call was ended, the phone in his hand slipped and fell on the ground, breaking it.

"No! No! Nooo!" Meng Yao collapsed on the floor. "It...it cannot happen. No!" Meng Yao's hands were trembling badly. "How!? How my empire collapsed in a few minutes!? How...how everyone dumped us?!" Meng Yao looked at the wall blankly. "How did the Meng Groups get exposed!!?"


"Yibo, are you mad at me?" Zhan pouted while Yibo turned his head away from Zhan. "Yibo...look at me. Yiibooooo..."

Zhan and Yibo were sitting on the couch while Zhan was pleading Yibo and the latter was reluctant to forgive Zhan.

"What!?" Yibo said, irritated.

"Aigooo...you are scolding me!" Zhan made a babyface. "I want to cry. Aaaaaa..."

"Stop being childish." Yibo glared at him. "What do you want?"

"My boyfriend's attention," Zhan said making puppy eyes.

"My boyfriend's attention," Zhan said making puppy eyes

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"Why?!" Yibo arched his brows. "You ignored me during breakfast and then left me alone. How come you suddenly remembered me!?"

"Yibo, I am sorry," Zhan said snaking his arms around Yibo's waist.

Suddenly Zhan's phone rang and he looked at the display. "Woah! It's Hao Xuan." Zhan smiled and put the phone on speaker.

"Hm...Hao Xuan, what's up?"

"Zhan, did you watch the news?"

"What news?"

"Idiot Zhan, turn on the television and check the news. If you are too lazy to do that, then open your phone and check it. It's about Mengs."

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